Nadace Collegium Marianum Education and Research Culture, Art and History SUPPORT OUR ACTIVITIES Donate Start fundraising
Justice for Nature, z.s. Environment Animals Justice for Nature Czech Republic Donate Start fundraising
Český svaz ochránců přírody Hradec Králové Environment Animals Helping nature with the JARO Group Donate Start fundraising
Nadační fond KMS Humanitarian Aid Socially Disadvantaged Groups Support for the poor and orphans in Kenya Donate Start fundraising
ROMEA, o.p.s. Education and Research Socially Disadvantaged Groups I want to succeed, that's why I'm studying! Donate Start fundraising
Klub nemocných cystickou fibrózou, z.s. Help for Ukraine Health Assistance to Ukrainian patients with CF Donate Start fundraising
Nadační fond MEHRIN Culture, Art and History Human Rights MEHRIN - Moravian Jewish Museum Donate Start fundraising
Šatník - nadační fond Help for Ukraine Socially Disadvantaged Groups Buying food for Czech single mothers and Ukrainian refugees Donate Start fundraising