Linking Help z. s.

Legislative and Legal Aid Help for Ukraine

Linking.Help to Ukraine

Linking.Help is an innovative AI platform mediating legal aid to people in need. Its application UA.SUPPORT has helped almost 300 volunteer lawyers from 30 countries, and has assisted over 3,000 ukrainian refugees in accessing basic legal services. We help in difficult situations such as obtaining visas and temporary protection, processing residence permits, as well as challenges with labor law or other contractual obligations, business permits, children's education, problems securing or paying for medical care, fraudulent acts, insolvencies, or other crisis situations with legal implications that refugees are unable to resolve on their own. Join us in creating a more just an equitable world by supporting our mission to provide legal aid to those who need it most. #UA.SUPPORT - bridging the gap in legal aid for refugees from Ukraine.

we started on 2022-09-05

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9 people
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Výborná iniciativa, přeji hodně štěstí s poskytování právní pomocí pro lidi v nouzi (ať již se jedná o Ukrajinu nebo další oblasti s humanitárními problémy).

Lukas Jezek
CZK 1,000

Dear Kateryna and team,
PEOPIL is proud to support the important work of UA.Support.
We wish you all a merry Christmas in these difficult times, and hope you will be able to help many more Ukrainian people.
Best regards from all of the Board of PEOPIL

Philippine Bax

LAWorld Ltd, the international legal network, is proud to support and participate in the important work of UA Support, Ukraine.

jacqui nash