Liga lidských práv Children, Youth and Family Health Free choice of the vaccination Donate Start fundraising
Rotary Club Prague International Humanitarian Aid RCPI Donation - Vesela Koruna Donate Start fundraising
Christian Refugee Service, z.s. Humanitarian Aid Socially Disadvantaged Groups Project Hope for Nations - help for people on the route Donate Start fundraising
BONA o.p.s. Socially Disadvantaged Groups Health Sheltered Housing and Work for People with Mental Health Problems Donate Start fundraising
Nadační fond daruj vlasy People with disabilities Health Fundraising for Charity Fund Donate Hair Donate Start fundraising
Klimatická žaloba ČR, z. s. Legislative and Legal Aid Environment The first climate court case in Czechia is nearing its final stage. Can we count on your support? Donate Start fundraising
Kulturou proti chátrání, z. s. Culture, Art and History Regional and Community Development Sibiř for all, all for Sibiř Donate Start fundraising