Fight and win against CF
Cystic fibrosis is a rare genetic disease that requires long-term therapy. CF Hero is a smartphone application for young people who often neglect their exercises.
Application focuses on building long-term habit of daily exercises (inhalation and airway clearance) . Using gamification, humor and playful design improves the commitment of young patients to treatment.
CF Hero improves patients' chances for happier and longer life via gamification and playful design.
- strengthening inner motivation and therapy adherance
- simplification of combing the therapy with day-to-day activities
- provision of important information at he right time and form
- collects valuable data for healthcare practitioners for treatment optimization
- connecting young patients for best practice sharing

Ahoj decka, at se vam diky treninku dari :) holky a kluci z Continental & humancraft
Přál bych si, aby aplikaci CF Hero potřebovalo co nejméně lidí. Současně ale celému CF Hero týmu přeju, aby se mu dařilo zlepšovat život těm z nás, kteří CF Hero aplikaci potřebují. CF Hero má smysl.
Marku, držím palce!
Máro, hodně zdaru ve vývoji. Ať se daří
Hodně zdaru CF Hero!