Dům pro Julii, z. ú. Children, Youth and Family Hospice and Paliative Care Equipment and operation of the children's hospice House for Juliet Donate Start fundraising
Nadace rodiny Vlčkových Children, Youth and Family Hospice and Paliative Care CIBULKA - Centre for Children's Complex Care and Children's Inpatient Hospice Donate Start fundraising
Výbor dobré vůle – Nadace Olgy Havlové Hospice and Paliative Care Elderly Helping the elderly Donate Start fundraising
Zlatá rybka, z.ú. Children, Youth and Family Hospice and Paliative Care Everybody has a wish! Donate Start fundraising
Mateřská škola a základní škola pro děti s kombinovaným postižením SMILING CROCODILE, o.p.s. Hospice and Paliative Care People with disabilities SMILING CROCODILE is a comprehensive care center for children with severe combined disabilities Donate Start fundraising
Ruce pro život z. s. Hospice and Paliative Care People with disabilities Dream Ambulance Donate Start fundraising
Klára pomáhá z. s. Children, Youth and Family Hospice and Paliative Care Our project ANOTHER WORLD helps the mourning children. Let's help the surviving children together. Cause it's DIFFERENT WORLD ... but it's WORLD OF ALL OF US Donate Start fundraising