Spolek Budil Regional and Community Development Environment Saving the Peace orchard (Sad míru): TREES – BEES – WATER Donate Start fundraising
Zachraň jídlo, z.s. Socially Disadvantaged Groups Environment Save the Lunch Donate Start fundraising
Český svaz ochránců přírody Hradec Králové Environment Animals Helping nature with the JARO Group Donate Start fundraising
NaZemi, z. s. Giving Information Environment We promote degrowth because we believe that a decent and dignified life for all is possible within planetary limits. Donate Start fundraising
Yagana Lucky zone, z.s. Development Aid Environment Help us collect plastic bottles in Senegal and build bungalows from them Donate Start fundraising
Kozí pelíšek, z.s. Environment Animals Donation for pasture for Goat Sanctuary Donate Start fundraising