Divadlo Aldente, z. s. Culture, Art and History Socially Disadvantaged Groups Theatre Aldente, be my second family! Donate Start fundraising
SVĚTOVA 1 z.s. Culture, Art and History Human Rights What's the World coming to? Support S1 Donate Start fundraising
Akademie klasické hudby, z.ú. Culture, Art and History MUSIC NURTURES OUR SOULS; LET´S NURTURE MUSIC Donate Start fundraising
INICIATIVA FÓR_UM, z. s. Children, Youth and Family Culture, Art and History 13th Velvet Carnival Parade and Exhibition "Beneath the Mask" Donate Start fundraising
POST BELLUM Education and Research Culture, Art and History Institute of Memory of the Nation Brno Donate Start fundraising
První vlaštovka, sociální družstvo Culture, Art and History Regional and Community Development Support the first Czech community and solidarity-based housing project Sdílené domy Donate Start fundraising
Perla, z.s. Culture, Art and History Regional and Community Development SUPPORT FOR INDENPENDAT CULTURE LIFE AT NOVÁ PERLA Donate Start fundraising