Sokolská župa Budečská

Culture, Art and History Sport and Leisure Time

Jen ruchem žijeme!

A fundraising campaign to create a beautiful and necessary meeting place for the Sokol movement and the general public in Tyršův dům.

we started on 2024-06-13
raised 18 % out of  €8,716

expires in

68 days

supported by

28 people
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secured by
We turn to you with the vision and wish for the heart of the Czech Sokol Organization – Tyršův dům – to once again become a welcoming place for Sokol members and the general public. Everyone who cares about this can help. We want this shared symbol to no longer suffer from a gloomy atmosphere, difficult navigation, and a cold environment. Most importantly, we want Tyršův dům to primarily serve the Sokol members!

Sokol is much more than just physical education and sports. It encompasses culture and art, history and tradition, the legacy of our ancestors, and the education of future generations. We want to meet at Tyršův dům, attend discussions, lectures, and exhibitions. We also want to attract other visitors who will help revive the Sokol cultural and social life. Therefore, we propose taking the first step – establishing a Sokol café in Tyršův dům.
We are an informal group of Sokol members who have decided to start a fundraising campaign. The outcome of this campaign will lay the foundation for the new vision of Tyršův dům.

Starting from early 2026, we will begin transforming our vision into reality. We will start in the area where the hair salon is currently located. This street-facing space can serve everyone who just wants to stop by Tyršův dům, perhaps for a short while or for a longer stay. Meet friends or find a suitable place for work or study. Refresh themselves. Buy a T-shirt or souvenir in the Sokol shop or seek advice on grant opportunities.

We all know that the current economic situation of the Czech Sokol Organization is challenging. Therefore, we decided to start a fundraising campaign, to which we will be the first contributors. We believe that other Sokol members will join us.

The target amount of under 9,000 EUR will be used for project preparation. The guarantor of the collection is Sokolská župa Budečská. Through previous fundraising campaigns such as Zborov memorial house and Slet for Ukraine, they have shown that they are capable of taking on and fulfilling such challenges.

Some of the individuals behind the campaign:

- Jitka Skalická, an architect with experience in similar projects; in Sokol Jablonec, she is involved in a similar significant transformation of the Sokol hall.

- Jaroslav Postl, head of Ještědská župa and also an expert in construction management, who can estimate what is realistic and what is not. 

- Peter Szenasy, head of Budečská župa and Sokol Křivoklát, who is behind the Sokol Cultural Achievement of the Year 2023 award for the restoration of the Sokol cinema and the project for the reconstruction of the Sokol hall in Křivoklát.

- František Beneš, head of T. J. Sokol Lhotka, a lawyer who will assist with the necessary legal documentation.

These and other Sokol members are convinced of the meaningfulness of the plan to revive the headquarters of the Czech Sokol Organization. They have decided to take responsibility for the transparency of the campaign and believe it will be successful and the first step in transforming Tyršův dům into a place we all love to visit.

Of course, you can join this effort as well – every support and every helping hand is welcome!


You might be asking why we need funds now, even though the leadership of the Czech Sokol Organization has not yet reviewed and approved the plan.

The reason is that the preparation of the project itself, including the concept and visualization, will take several months and incur costs. First, we need to develop a realistic business plan and a vision for the use of the space. Both will serve as the basis for the architectural study, which we will discuss with all the necessary authorities. Only then can we responsibly proceed with the detailed project documentation required for building permits and the construction itself. We believe this will be done with the authorization of the Presidium or the Committee of the Czech Sokol Organization. Our goal is to have the tender process completed, a contractor selected, and to start the reconstruction by January 2026.
Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Už teď se těším na milá sokolská setkání a na to, že k nám bude mít dveře otevřené i veřejnost :)

Jana K.H.
CZK 2,000

Fandíme nápadu a inovativnímu způsobu přemýšlení! Díky za veškerou snahu, zdravíme z Vraného nad Vltavou.

T. J. Sokol Vrané Nad Vltavou I.
CZK 1,000

Ať se to povede. Nazdar!

Jaroslav Postl
CZK 5,000

Tyršův dům pro setkávání Sokolů

Marta Skalická
CZK 2,000

Už se těším na kafíčko! :-) FB 2024 Kč

František Beneš
CZK 2,024

Uz se do noveho prostoru tesim 👍

Alena P.

Tam svět se hne, kam se síla napře!

Jiří Braný
CZK 1,000