Nadace pro současné umění Praha Culture, Art and History Regional and Community Development SUPPORT NSU ACTIVITIES Donate Start fundraising
Tanec Praha z.ú. Culture, Art and History Regional and Community Development Support for PONEC theatre and Tanec Praha Donate Start fundraising
Akademie klasické hudby, z.ú. Culture, Art and History Book „Confession in F Major“ Donate Start fundraising
Akademie klasické hudby, z.ú. Culture, Art and History THE DVOŘÁK PRAGUE PATRONS´ CLUB Donate Start fundraising
Open House Praha, z. ú. Philanthropy and Volunteering Culture, Art and History Support the festival Open House Praha and also whole year activities! Donate Start fundraising
Slovo 21, z. s. Culture, Art and History Socially Disadvantaged Groups World Roma Festival Khamoro Donate Start fundraising