zdravotnízajištění z.s.

http://www.zdravotnizajisteni.cz Phone: 728 428 445 Email: info@zdravotnizajisteni.cz

Our commercial activities work constantly, do not hesitate to contact us if you need medical insurance, help at an event or training first. Our crew serves in various health services and emergency services of the Czech Republic. We are also part of the Active Reserves of the Army of the Czech Republic. We have contractually secured cooperation with a number of doctors, so it is not a problem to provide you with their care. How are we helping right now – since the start of the war in Ukraine? Since the beginning of the war, we have spent all our free time not filled with work helping right here - humanitarian aid is very close to us, we have been dedicated to it for more than 10 years. We managed to connect and sponsor several groups of volunteers on our behalf who strive for the same care as us - to help the victims of war, to provide them with the best medical care.

Current projects

Ukončené projekty