Help for Ukraine
T he 24th of February marks 1 year since the war in Ukraine has broken out, changing life in an instant for the people of Ukraine.
In order to assist the people whose livelihoods have been destroyed by the war, the Prague Citizenship team is organising a fundraiser to show our ongoing support throughout this difficult situation.
The intensification of the hostilities in Ukraine over the past 12 months had devastating consequences, causing loss of human lives, countless injured, more than 13 million people having been made refugees abroad or displaced inside Ukraine.
Nearly 18 million people are in need of urgent humanitarian assistance within Ukraine, particularly in the eastern and southern part of the country.
The need to show human solidarity for those whose ways of live has been devastated by the war persists, and the collected amounts will be used for that purpose.
Filip Gallat
Yakiv Tymoshenko
Mariya Niftonova
Natalia Ratushna
Viacheslav Yakovenko
Nikita Burmistrov
Olga Feidak
Dmytro Babin
Mihaly Kereta
Marie Vankovych
Eugene Kolesnyk
Vasyl Tesliuk
Filip Gallat
Yakiv Tymoshenko
Mariya Niftonova
Natalia Ratushna
Viacheslav Yakovenko
Nikita Burmistrov
Olga Feidak
Dmytro Babin
Mihaly Kereta
Marie Vankovych
Eugene Kolesnyk
Vasyl Tesliuk
Protože v zemi působíme už od roku 2014, mohli jsme po vpádu ruských vojsk v roce 2022 začít pomáhat okamžitě. Vybudovali jsme také síť s více než 200 partnery. Spolupracujeme s místními organizacemi, iniciativami občanské společnosti, vládními orgány i akademickou obcí, abychom posílili soběstačnost a odolnost lidí a současně jsme pomohli zajistit základní potřeby. Chráníme práva lidí zasažených válkou a prosazujeme dlouhodobá řešení.
Slava Ukraini!
Ukraine will get better soon
Slava Ukrajini
Glory to Ukraine!
Kostya - Glory to Ukraine
Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine! Glory to Heroes!
Sláva Ukrajině.