Chance 4 Children z.s.

Help for Ukraine


Ukraine - A Time to Help! C4C aid truck is soon on its way!

we started on 2022-03-03
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
Ukraine - A Time to Help!
C4C aid truck is soon on its way and Dr. Clown teams are helping out locally!

Just when we all thought that after Covid things just couldn´t get any worse, here comes a war in the heart of Europe!  And, as a consequence, hundreds of thousands (soon perhaps millions) of refugees are fleeing the horrors of war.

“The situation is beyond dire”, says C4C founder Manfred Franke, “we simply had to act”! 

Many of the most needed items, like warm clothing for adults and children, were already available in C4C´s storage facilities. Even though earmarked for orphans and the elderly here in the Czech Republic, via C4C´s Robin Hood initiative, the decision was made to release them to aid refugees arriving in ice cold weather at the camps prepared at the Polish border.

“What would Robin Hood have done in a situation like this”, smiles Rafel Wojas, C4C co-founder. “I´m sure he´d have saddled his horse and dashed to the border to help out there. So, that´s what we´re going to do!”

Good friends and supporters joined in no time: a truck was pledged by Karel Kopecky of Iveco/Fiat Strojservis, a faithful supporter of C4C for over 20 years; Tomas Pelicek of multi-national giant SC Johnson, when we asked for assistance with hygiene and disinfectant supplies, just replied “you can count on us”! 

Besides driving the truck to the Polish border, our teams are locally involved as well at camps and arrival points, where they are supplying food and clothing and also care for arriving children who went through a huge shock. Most left their dads at home and experienced hunger and a long journey through the cold winter. Distraction is very much called for and that´s where our Dr. Clown team comes in! That´s what they live for! Consequently, they´ll be spreading their smile and laughter therapy far and wide at the camps. 

Thank you for caring! Let´s make a difference together!

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C4C 8-mi tuna již vyjela směr Ukrajina ❤️‍🩹
Dnešní cíl je Krasnystaw a zitra rozvoz po 4 sběrných centrech, kam si chodí vyzvedávat uprchlíci hmotnou pomoc v Polsku. A pak hurá spolu s polským Dr. Klaunem pobavit děti na ukrajinské hranici, aby na chvíli odpoutali myšlenky od stresu a strachu, co právě zažili. 
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