Nadace Partnerství

Giving Information Environment

Marathon Alley

Over 7 thousand runners and nature lovers have already supported the planting of 3.4 thousand trees and shrubs. If we put all these trees in a row with 10 meter spacing, it would create a symbolic 34.6 kilometers long alley. We were missing 755 trees to reach the Marathon distance. Thank you for helping us plant these trees!

Thank you for your decision to donate to trees

Thanks to your gift, one tree grew. A tree that will serve to runners, cyclists, pedestrians and all of us who appreciate its shadow. We need it more than ever at a time of climate change.

supported by

87 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
We celebrated 100 years since the birth of the greatest Czech runner Emil Zátopek and 70 years since his triple gold performance at the Olympics in Helsinki, where he won the Olympic marathon gold for the first time in his life. We wanted to give Emil Zátopek and all the runners of the world a gift and complete the symbolic Marathon Alley, which will consist of 4,220 trees supported by runners and nature lovers from all continents. We lacked 755 trees to meet the goal.

Thank you for helping us to raise funds for these trees at
RunCzech races in 2021-2023 or directly by contributing to our donor collection.

When planted trees grow, they will greatly contribute to cleaner air, which will benefit not only runners, but all of us - cyclists, skaters and pedestrians.


In 2005, Miroslav Kundrata, then director of the Partnership Foundation, and Carlo Capalbo, director of the Prague International Marathon (now RunCzech), began working on the concept of "tree runners". Marathon runners and other runners who help nature.

Since then, RunCzech has been involved in supporting a number of other voluntary activities, but cooperation with the Partnership Foundation remains the longest and most stable.

From the beginning we managed to: 
  • Plant 3,465 trees and shrubs,
  • thanks to the support of more than 7,000 runners,
  • at more than 60 places throughout the Czech Republic.
If we put all these trees in a row with 10 meter spacing, it would create a symbolic alley 34.6 kilometers long. Each of these trees serves runners, cyclists, hikers and all of us.
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Maratonskou alej jsme završili Během pro stromy 2023

Děkujeme všem, kteří přispěli na sbírku Maratonská alej. Díky individuálním dárcům a našim partnerům RunCzech a Mattoni se podařilo vybrat téměř 400 tisíc korun, které poputují na dosadbu symbolické Maratonské aleje.

Sbírku na Maratonskou alej jsme završili na přelomu března a dubna virtuálním Během pro stromy. Zapojilo se úžasných 268 lidí, díky kterým se podařilo vybrat dalších 154 050 korun. Peníze Nadace Partnerství rozdělí v grantech školám, obcím, spolkům i jednotlivcům na výsadbu stromů mimo lesy.

Poběžíme zase za rok, tak se nezapomeňte přidat!

Do té doby se však můžete zapojit také! Darujte na výsadby stromů po celé České republice a připojte se k iniciativě Sázíme budoucnost. Váš příspěvek dokážeme zdvojnásobit a poputuje prostřednictvím grantů na výsadby stromů, alejí, remízků či sadů do komunit po celé naší republice. Děkujeme, že s námi sázíte – hlavou, srdcem, rukama!

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