Česká ženská lobby

http://czlobby.cz/ Phone: 734 653 454 Email: info@czlobby.cz

The Czech Women’s Lobby (CWL) is an umbrella organization that defends the rights of women in the Czech Republic. Our mission is to take on real problems women face and raise them to a political level as well as to improve the situation of women in society. We are part of the European Women’s Lobby, an organization that unites women and gender associations in Europe and cooperate with European institutions. We unite 37 organizations that support women. We advocate laws that ensure a better life for women. We promote equality between men and women. We strengthen the position of disadvantaged groups of women. We call attention to women’s issues and propose solutions. The Czech Women’s Lobby promotes the rights of all women, regardless of their race, ethnicity, abilities, sexual orientation, age, religion or faith.

Current projects