40! Birthday challenge for KPZkoALICI

we started on 2023-03-23
raised 100 % out of  €1,616

supported by

52 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!

That's right, Jajka is forty years old.

And so I decided to take this opportunity to try to nudge my friends again and reveal what I have been doing for the last few years. And maybe you'll like it and want to continue this journey with me. You have a chance for 40 days.

I've been pouring ecological themes into some of you for decades. I remember when you were creating a special aluminum box for me at the cabin in Zahořín...well...that was the Era of waste . Then came environmental education, composting, and for the last decade I've been in organic farming and meeting those farmers who care about how they currently farm and also what our landscape looks like during our lifetime and what it will look like after us.

In our female trio Šárka Krčílková + Aja Wranova + me, we decided that we no longer need to go for it alone, but TOGETHER. Following the example of the foreign countries we are still drawing from and cooperating with, we decided to start a National Network KPZ KPZkoALICE - a collaboration between farmers and consumers that connects, educates and supports eaters and sustainable farmers. Together now at AMPI, we've been swirling events here for the last few years to create a space for local community movers and shakers and farmers to share experiences, inspiration and support each other. Because it makes sense for us to join forces, map what's going on, share know-how and have a place to find partners and new wind in our sails when needed. We have nearly 100 of them and up to 35 farmers.
But there are still not enough of us, and yet we all eat...so how is it?

I don't care who I buy my food from and who I pay for it. I like food with the face of a farmer I know personally. When I cook and look at my plate, I don't just see potatoes, carrots, meat, salad...I see Jarda, Katka, Jindřiška and Alenka who grew it in this very bed, field, foil...I see their face and place, I feel the emotion, the friendship. I know that not everyone can or needs to experience this. I just want to say that we at KPZkoALICE are here to bring this special food to you. We connect with you Those who have decided to go on an adventurous journey and grow vegetables, raise animals. In doing so, we support them and us to live and farm in healthy landscapes, decent conditions with a fair price.

And where have I been these last years? In the field growing things, in the office preparing seminars and workshops for farmers and KPZ coordinators, at conferences, debates and festivals promoting organic farming and short food chains, in schools educating about the real cost of food and the availability of sustainably grown goodies from farmers....and last year I took up studying, going to farm school and this year I'm spending most of my time in the vineyard.

So here I have a call for financial support for our team, but also for all of us who are not indifferent to the land, water, landscape and what we throw in, I mean eat and drink. Let's make a difference from the bottom up, only we determine supply with our demand.

Join the call, contribute, share and rejoice with me.

Asociace místních potravinových iniciativ, o.p.s.
KPZkoALICE is an emerging network of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) in the Czech Republic. The network connects consumers, farmers, local food communities and other actors to collaborate and share know-how.
KPZkoALICE is a support for the farmers and leaders of local food communities who need partners and want to share experiences.

Thanks to donations from KPZkoALICE can:

  • Connect existing food communities and farmers to work together and actively support the creation of new ones.
  • Provide personal guidance and mentoring for those who are coordinating a food community or who want to start one.  
  • Organize monthly meetings, webinars, seminars and lectures.
  • Host a once-a-year national gathering of supporters of living agriculture.
  • Create educational programs and materials.
  • Build the online platform kpzinfo.cz as a signpost to information resources and people.
  • Manage a Map of Farmers database where farmers and consumers can connect. 
  • Be active in the international URGENCI network and bring innovations from abroad. 
  • To create an e-newsletter and report on what is sprouting in the network. 


Lucie Kadlečková
CZK 322

At se dari :)

CZK 1,300

Podpora KPZ Šáťa

Michael Šatník
CZK 4,440

Všechno nej Jaj, hubana!

Antonín Matějovský

Všechno nejlepší Jaji, ať se daří naplnit výzvu!

Magdaléna Řepová

Držím palce! :)


Ať se daří!

David Ježek
CZK 200

Jani, tak ještě víc než půlka před tebou! Ať jsi štastná. Objímám.

Jana Brožová
CZK 4,440

všechno nejlepší a ať to vzkvétá a roste

Kateřina Šimková
CZK 440

Kápézetko kua hej, zemědělcům ukaž rej ! :)

Vít Thorio
CZK 333