Walk under the stars for animal rescue

we started on 2022-10-31
raised 94 % out of  €405

supported by

22 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
Anna Oberhelova and Lewis Whittaker will be performing a 30km night walk on the 4th of November. We are completing this walk to raise money and awareness for the ČSOP VLAŠIM, our target is 10,000czk.
The Czech Association of Nature Protectors Vlašim is a traditional conservation organization that takes care of natural and cultural heritage in and around Podblanicky region. They operate the Animal Rescue Station and ParaZOO in the center of Vlašim. They take care of the localities of protected species of plants and animals, plant avenues, and educate children and adults to protect the environment.

The walk will start at 2 pm on the 4th of November fromÚstí nad Labem UJEP University and finish in Milešovka. View our planned route here.

The money raised from this walk will specifically support animal welfare and rescue activities for ČSOP VLAŠIM. The fund will support items such as animal vet visits, medicine, food, animal accommodation, fuel for rescue vehicles, and more.

"We hope you are able to support us in achieving our goal in funding and thank everyone who supports"
ZO ČSOP Vlašim
Každoročně projdou rukama ošetřovatelů v Záchranné stanici pro živočichy Vlašim stovky zvířat. Letos už jich je téměř na 900, kterým jsme pomohli v nouzi a celou řadu jich navrátili do přírody. Jakákoliv částka se počítá a pomůže, přidej se k nám!
Podpoř práci záchranné stanice pro živočichy a dej zvířatům druhou šanci na život v přírodě. Díky příspěvkům pomůžeme více zvířatům v nouzi a poskytneme jim lepší péči.

Diky za organizaci, za vsechna zviratka, co potrebuji pomoci:-)

Tereza Břínková
CZK 500

Skvělá práce!! :)

Marie Svěchotová

Stastny a bezpecny pochod!

Petr Zich
CZK 500

Good Luck, don't get lost :)

David Sutton

Thank you everyone, for your support :)

Lewis Whittaker

Moc všem děkujeme za podporu! :)

Anna Oberhelová