Y&T Luxury Property Prague Czech Republic s.r.o.: campaign for project Let's donate the wireless ultrasound to GUH at Chlarles Square

Let's donate the wireless ultrasound to VFN on Charles Square

we started on 2020-12-21
raised 100 % out of  €8,583

supported by

32 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
Support Czech medicine!

The Our Lungs endowment fund, founded by Y&T Luxury Property - a real estate agency made up entirely of women, supports the prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of lung diseases, including lung cancer, and the consequences of COVID-19.

We have decided to help the pulmonary department of the General University Hospital (GUH) at Charles Square and support healthy lungs, so that we could all enjoy life to the fullest!  Let's be proactive and prevent lung disease thanks to early diagnosis! Lung ultrasound can save the lives of many patients. What's more, using the HEALCERION SONON 300L wireless ultrasound probe minimizes the risk of infection transmission.

We believe that everyone can take a nice deep breath...
Women who do business in everyday life and have now decided to support the Czech healthcare system, too. Our lungs, established during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, will focus on supporting the treatment of respiratory diseases in adults and children.

"As a donor, we have supported various charity projects in the past," says Elena Jakubovič, the founder of the real estate agency. "This time we would like to give it not only a different legal form, but also a whole new dimension - to help Czech experts and hospitals in the long term."

Děkujeme za velkou podporu. Právě díky vám se podařilo vybrat neskutečných 129 247 Kč. Realitní kanceláři Y&T Luxury Property částku do výše 217 800 Kč dorovnala.
Nyní zbývá přístroj předat panu primáři Votrubovi z Všeobecné fakultní nemocnice na Karlově náměstí. Budeme s vámi vše sdílet na webu Naše plíce.
Přejeme vám klidné dny a pevné zdraví,
Tým Naše plíce

Děkujeme za vaše dary, které pomohou pacientům plicního oddělení Všeobecné fakultní nemocnice na Karlově náměstí a také za to, jak myslíte na druhé. 
Velice vám děkujeme za podporu, které si zvláště v této nelehké době nesmírně vážíme!

Finišujeme! Pomozte nám vybrat závěrečných 45 000 Kč. Realitní kancelář Y&T Luxury Property zbylých 45 000 Kč doplatí. O nákupu a předání plicního ultrazvuku panu primáři Votrubovi z VFN na Karlově náměstí vás budeme informovat v dubnu.

Create campaign

Nadační fond Naše plíce
We support Czech doctors and hospitals. We want testing with the latest technologies to become a standard available to everyone. We raise awareness of lung diseases and the dangers that cause them. A key part of prevention is education on how to take care of one’s lungs. With your support, we will ensure that one day everyone can breathe with healthy lungs. Our goal is to prevent lung diseases through early diagnosis. Thank you!
The Our Lungs endowment fund, founded by Y&T Luxury Property - a real estate agency made up entirely of women, supports the prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of lung diseases, including lung cancer, and the consequences of COVID-19.

Let's be proactive and prevent lung disease thanks to early diagnosis! Lung ultrasound can save the lives of many patients. What's more, using the HEALCERION SONON 300L wireless ultrasound probe minimizes the risk of infection transmission.

We believe that everyone can take a nice deep breath...


-   We breathe about 22,000 times every day.
-   People exhale up to 17.5 milliliters of water per hour.
-   70% of waste is eliminated through our lungs by mere respiration.
-   Children and women breathe faster than men, their respiratory rate is higher.
-   The left lung is smaller than the right lung to accommodate our heart.
-   Lungs can hold 1 liter of air and are the only organ capable of floating on water.
-   The air we are breathing contains 21% oxygen, of which our bodies use only 5%.
-   We can live without one lung.
-   According to an estimate, there are 300,000 undiagnosed asthmatics in the Czech Republic
-   5,500 die of lung carcinoma in the Czech Republic every year

With your support, we will ensure that one day everyone can breathe with healthy lungs. Our goal is to prevent lung diseases through early diagnosis.

We raise awareness of lung diseases and the dangers that cause them. A key part of prevention is education on how to take care of one’s lungs.


Moc krásná iniciativa. Investovat do včasné diagnostiky nemocí má smysl :)

Lukáš Bilinec

Posílám :-)

Simona Chlápková

Díky za vaši výzvu! Velmi mi chybí možnost darovat zdravotnickým zařízením online, proto jsem ji uvítal. Zvažte po splnění této nějaké další, třeba na jiné přístroje nebo do jiných zařízení, klidně i do chudších zemí na východ od nás. Rád znovu přispěji. Hodně zdraví a úspěchů!

CZK 3,509

Krásný projekt, ráda podpořím!

Adéla Kallmünzerová

Díky za to, co děláte

CZK 1,000