Michal Mižigár: campaign for project Romská vysokoškolská stipendia

Education for Everyone

we started on 2019-09-24
raised 114 % out of  €591

supported by

24 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
Although I come from a socially disadvantaged family, thanks to a university scholarship, I am now happily studying abroad in my desired field at the type of university I used to dream about. As a Roma and someone hard of hearing, at the age of six I was supposed to be transferred to a special school without there being any chance of changing my school. My parents and I, through personal experience, know what it means to be "different" within the Czech educational system. This experience stayed with me and so 13 years ago I started helping my Roma peers and have continued to do. I have had the opportunity to share my experiences and the obstacles I had to overcome. OSF Prague took them into account and in 2015 created a special scholarship program for Roma university students to help shape self-confident Roma. But this was not the end of the story for me. Over time, I got into the foundation as an administrator of the program. Now, even though I have stayed abroad, I still work with OSF.
This is a scholarship program I believe in, so I function for those who receive the scholarships like a “friend on the phone.” I encourage them not to be ashamed of their Roma heritage, and to treat this as a bonus with which they can enrich the society around them. I also recommend that they try the experience of studying abroad. They have all gotten off to a very good start. Therefore, I turn to you with a humble request to support them with any amount. As can be seen from looking over the last four years, this program produces young successful Roma who are proud of their origins, who are professionals in selected fields, who are role models for other generations of Roma in their communities, and, above all, they are self-reliant people who, thanks to their own diligence and perseverance have lifted themselves out of the vicious circle of social exclusion.

Help me change the future of young Roma. Soon they may also be able to help other people around them.

Nadace OSF
Romská menšina patří v České republice k jedné z nejvíce znevýhodněných. Romské děti jsou často diskriminovány ve vzdělávání, dospělí pak na trhu práce či v přístupu ke službám a bydlení.

Ukazuje se, že důležitou roli při bourání zažitých stereotypů ve společnosti hrají vzdělaní a aktivní Romové, kteří zároveň slouží jako motivace a pozitivní příklady pro své vrstevníky i mladší generace. Jednou z aktivit Nadace OSF je proto Stipendijní program pro romské vysokoškoláky, který zahrnuje:
  • pokrytí nákladů spojených se studiem (v maximální výši 60 000 Kč za rok)
  • pracovní stáž
  • dobrovolnickou službu v neziskové organizaci
  • povinný kurz cizího jazyka
  • podporu mentora/ky.
V loňském roce se nám v rámci dárcovských výzev podařilo vybrat více než 132 000 Kč, částku nám zdvojnásobila Nadace Albatros.
Ani letos nepolevíme. Aktuálně podporujeme 10 studentů, 3 z nich už úspěšně dokončili bakalářské zkoušky a pokračují v magisterských oborech.
Pomozte nám změnit budoucnost mladých Romů. Děkujeme.

Michalova dobra prace a ciste srdce zaslouzi uznani a podporu. Drzim Ti palce v pokracovani Tveho dila!

Petr Klasna
CZK 1,000

držim palce;-)

Marie Palečková
All donations support organization:
Nadace OSF, projekt: Romská vysokoškolská stipendia