Kamila Menšíková: campaign for project Život se má žít až do konce

Let's live our life till the very end, aka the best gift for my 30th Bday

we started on 2019-05-18
raised 143 % out of  €1,187

supported by

48 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
My 30 years Bday wishes? Flat, car, bicycle, vacation in the Carribean islands? None of these, check below:
Hi everyone, 

eventually I am turning 30 this year, it could be seen as a break-point in one´s life, it definitely deserves a bit of attention and celebration with everyone we love. 

Today, it has been exactly 6 months since a person with whom I would like to celebrate my birthday the most, has passed away. It was the person who had the biggest influence on my life, I am who I am thanks to her with all the positive and negative aspects, I am forever grateful what she had taught me. 

My granny, I grew up close to her, she had taught me how to bake the best “kolache”, she was always here for me, no matter the distance, she was so kind and warm to everyone, her name was Miluška, which in czech means “kind”. She had her heart in the right place. Last year, we were the same age, me 29 and her 92, I realised how precious it was. 

However, her life slowly came to its end. She was very lucky to have amazing daughters who had been taking care of her, other family members tried to help as much as possible, me personally, I was rather psychological support and some sort of distraction. I have to admit, it wasn't really easy, for anyone. My granny used to say, "You know, my little girl, no one should ever say that being old, is a nice thing”, but she remained optimistic and full of enthusiasm. Day by day she became weaker and weaker, at the end I found myself sitting by her bed, holding her hand, she was not talking anymore, just looking into my eyes. She passed away the day after, at home, accompanied by her loved ones. We miss her a lot.

In the Czech Republic, up to 70% of people are not fortunate enough to spend their last moments at home, in the family circle, but die in hospitals or nursing homes, often alone. If the family is not able to take care of their beloved ones for whatever reason, there is also an alternative way - hospice care, which unfortunately is neither very widespread nor supported in my country.

As I said at the beginning, I would like to have a little bit of your attention, and contribute to the development of hospice care in the Czech Republic a bit, so please help me to raise at least CZK 30,000 (approx. 1165 EUR, 1300 USD) for CESTA DOMU, NGO which provides professional care to the dying and their loved ones. They are also raising awareness about the fact that dying has always been integral and very important part of our lives.

What could be done with those 30K? For example, an antidecubit mattress (26K), or if we raise more, a positioning bed (35K) could be bought - we used it both during the homecare, and it was really helpful. 

Thank you very much to all of you who have read it till the very end and thank you even more to those who decide to contribute.


PS: not only this birthday fundraising deserves your attention, please give it to your loved ones - while they are still with us.

Cesta domů, z.ú.
Snažíme se, aby byl život snesitelný a smysluplný i v posledních chvílích. Bez vás bychom to nedokázali. Splňte spolu s námi přání těžce nemocným lidem zemřít v klidu, důstojně a v blízkosti své rodiny. Vážíme si každého daru a projevené důvěry.
Zajišťujeme, aby děti a dospělí umírající v domácím prostředí měli dostupnou zdravotní péči a další potřebné služby. Každému, kdo se na nás obrátí, poskytneme informace potřebné k péči o nevyléčitelně nemocného. Na území hl. m. Prahy provozujeme už 20 let domácí hospic. Našim pacientům poskytujeme zdravotní služby 24 hodin denně 7 dní v týdnu a jejich blízkým podporu v každodenní péči.

Umožňujeme, aby člověk v posledních dnech a týdnech života mohl dožít důstojně, mít čas na své nejbližší, na rozloučení a mohl být doma, v prostředí, které má rád.

Můžete nám v tom pomoci. Bez individuálních i firemních dárců bychom se neobešli. Děkujeme!

Skvělý nápad a moc hezky napsaný, Kamčo! :)

Mikuláš Josek
CZK 1,000

Kami, vsetko najlepsie! A robis uzasnu vec, mozes nam byt prikladom :)
Team PwC Academy

PwC Academy team Vaskova

Kamčo, vše nejlepší.

Libor Tomeš


Martina Haddad
CZK 1,000

Přejeme krásné narozeniny :-) Přispíváme alespoň maličko, protože dárek už máme jiný :-)

Jarča + Romča Menšíková + Trmalová
CZK 1,000

♥️♥️♥️ to aby se lasky dostalo každému a v každém věku!

Anna Mozíková
CZK 3,000

<3 <3 <3

Petra Receado
CZK 3,000

Všetko najlepšie Kam

Tomas Mikula
CZK 300
All donations support organization:
Cesta domů, z.ú., projekt: Život se má žít až do konce