Nepuri z.s.

Other Culture, Art and History

Help the Scutica

The showroom and workshop of the company Scutica, which deals with the original production of design tools for intimate moments made of quality wood and leather, was robbed in recent days. Hundreds of hours of work by Honza, Kristýna and Jirka disappeared in one night. The loss would have covered a year's rent. Let's help Scutica to overcome this difficult situation, where its very existence is threatened, as soon as possible.

we started on 2023-03-06

I'm helping Scutica survive

I am contributing this amount of money to Scutica to overcome the financial problems related to the robbery of their showroom and workshop
raised 2 % out of  €3,992

supported by

4 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!

Honza, Kristýna and Jirka lost their finished and in-progress custom-made products, materials in the form of precious wood and leather, and technical equipment. Some of it will probably be reimbursed by the insurance company over time and after the police investigation is completed. However, the thieves also stole many things to which they had a very personal connection and thus of incalculable value.

Scutica is known and appreciated especially by people who are interested in artistic, original design of aids for intimate moments, lingerie, literature and other accessories. Due to the financial losses caused by the robbery and the necessary temporary closure of the showroom and workshop, it is very difficult for the operator of Scutica to cope financially with this situation. Your one-off donation will help them cover the rent or the purchase of new materials and equipment.

More info about Scutica:

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Politovánihodné.. :/

CZK 1,000