Nadační fond, Agora 7

Elderly Health

Healthy food - Fruit packages for seniors

A rich and balanced menu is a luxury for some seniors that they cannot afford. They don't have the funds left to buy fruit. NF Agora 7 therefore ensures regular deliveries of fresh fruit to up to 210 senior citizens every month through the Healthy Food project.

we started on 2023-01-07

Fruit packages

Seniors often do not have enough money to buy healthy food and fruit. Help us improve this situation!

supported by

14 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
We help seniors ensure a regular supply of fruit that benefits their health. Agora 7 supports partner organisations Charita Praha 7, Pečovatelské centrum Praha 7 and the Salvation Army at Tusarova Street with the amount of 240 000 CZK annually.
On average we distribute 2,900 kg of fruit in the form of 2 520 packages to 210 seniors each year.

Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Co nejvíc vitaminů pro co nejvíc babiček a dědečků!

Nadační fond Prokop Kočicová
CZK 20,000

♡ ať vám chutná!

banda ajťáků
CZK 2,500

Mám ráda konkrétní formu pomoci, lokální a seniory vnímám jako skupinu lidí, kteří mají omezený přístup k informacím v tomhle rychlém světě. Mám radost z této aktivity. :)

CZK 250

Díky za tento krásný projekt. Je skvělé, že myslíte na jedny z nejohroženějších skupin. TP nastaven. Ať se vám daří.

Petra López

Petra Lopez

Diky, ze to delate.

CZK 199