Perla, z.s.

Children, Youth and Family Help for Ukraine

Nova Perla Safe Haven

Nova Perla has become home for moms and children escaping the war in Ukraine. We have recently finished all of the inhabitable art studios, gallery, café, library, garden - but suddenly everything has changed. Now we find ourselves in the role of guardians and caretakers for those who need it most. But we can achieve this only with your help.

we started on 2022-03-20

Don't cry war. Keep hope going.


supported by

60 people
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The Nová Perla has already been prepared for its first creative guests, but the war in Ukraine has changed everything. And consequently we are really glad that people on the run can find refuge with us and everything is turning out well.
Perla is one of the most beautiful places we know, so perhaps for a while it can alleviate the grief over the temporarily lost homes and the worries about their loved ones.
There are now Ukrainian mothers with children in the lovely residential studios of Nova Perla, and we are trying to do everything to make them feel comfortable. 

What we will pay and what we can get - thanks to your contributions.

Maintenance and safe operation of the building. Heating, energy, waste and drinking water. Minor repairs and modifications associated with the change of use of the  studios into adequate living spaces. Services and aids related to the needs of mothers with children. Expert services.

Why do we have a chance to be a safe haven.

We do not have to pay the rent because the property belongs to the Divus Publishing House, which provides it free of charge for this purpose. We obtain most of our food and basic necessities in permanent cooperation with the food bank and charity free of charge. We received most of the equipment as gifts from the friends of Nová Perla. Our friends really help us a lot all the time.

We keep it brief for now, because there are just few of us and we don't have time to turn round. But we will keep you informed. You can follow our work on the New Pearls Facebook account:

What exactly is the Nová Perla and why it was created? Take a look at our painted website ...

 ... and how they are with us now
Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Díky za pomoc, kterou poskytujete!

Tomáš Barendregt
CZK 1,000

Díky, Perlo!

Jan Červinka
CZK 1,000

Ať se daří! :-)

Matěj Trojánek

Díky, skvělej projekt.

Tomas Pflanzer

Kdybyste potřebovali nějaké věci, nábytek, oblečení, boty, napište konkrétní požadavky. Děkuji

Lucie Blahova
CZK 500

Dekuji za cinnost!

Jindrich Kalivoda
CZK 1,000

Držím palce!

Ondřej Chutný
CZK 2,000

Obdivuji Vaši práci a děkuji za vše, co děláte (nejen) pro uprchlíky.

Martin Langr
CZK 2,000