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Help to South Moravia Environment

Aid for Moravia: New houses need trees

Help us with the long-term renewal of the South Moravia region. Let's make Moravia resilient to climate change. With your help, we will plant new trees and shrubs, restore destroyed gardens and treat trees that survived the tornado. First houses were needed, now trees.

we started on 2021-07-16

supported by

261 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
No one can prepare you for a tornado. But with your support, we can help damaged municipalities of the South Moravia to be better prepared for heat, drought, winds and flooding. Every crown you give will be supported by additional donations from private companies.

We experienced the scorching summer heat ourselves repeatedly when we went as volunteers to help the locals clear the ruins. Houses without trees don't make sense or feel like home.

Therefore, new houses also need new trees. Help us re-green South Moravia! Together, we can create a region resilient to climate change.



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Money to restore greenery is starting to flow to people! 
Thanks to your donations, support from People in Need and private companies such as Škoda Auto, Dedoles, Novartis, Brno city districts and other supporters, we can launch a grant program for the long-term renewal of the South Moravian region. After analyzing the needs of the locals, we direct the money to two the main branches: 

  • restoration of gardens, front gardens, private gardens
  • restoration of alleys, alleys, windbreaks and draws 
Thank you for helping to make Moravia green again. Become our long-term supporter and help in the long run. Together for Moravia!

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Zeleň pro další generace

Jitka Kohoutková
CZK 500


Jaroslav Turnhöfer
CZK 1,000

Potesila by me fotka s vysazenymi stromy a info, kolik se vysadilo zeleně. 😁

Dana Schreierová
CZK 1,000

Jsme rádi, že můžeme přispět k obnově poničené krajiny.


Zdá se mi, že na jihu Moravy bylo i před tornádem málo stromů. Jen samé vinice nebo pole... Nedávno jsem měl cestu na kole přes Mutěnice a dál na sever a bylo to v tom horku utrpení a stínu zoufale málo. Myslím, že by alespoň část každé z vinic mohla být přeměněna na menší lesík. Víno je přece zbytná potravina.

Jan Švehla
CZK 1,000

Na víc asi nebudu stačit

Jan Šlechta
CZK 500

Děkuji za tuto výzvu. Stromy si to zaslouží a jižní Morava též.

Andrea Adamová
CZK 1,000