Justice for Nature, z.s.

Environment Animals

Green & Blue Life Costa Rica

Together, let us create and support a phenomenal example of rainforest and ocean conservation in a country that is a model of conservation and wildlife behaviour. This model can be spread around the world through unique volunteer and educational programs. That is why the Forest for Children - Justice for Nature has begun operations in Costa Rica and needs your support.

we started on 2021-03-17


I care about nature at home and in the world

supported by

59 people
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secured by Darujme.cz
Costa Rica harbours an immense wealth of species diversity that rivals almost all of North America. It is a precious treasure that must be protected and guided for future generations. It is this urgent need that Forest for Children has decided to help fulfill. That's why it brings its experience and its Green Life and Blue Life programs to Costa Rica. 

What do you support with the contribution?

Thanks to many people, it was possible to build a volunteer and educational center in Costa Rica, and the Green Life II forest reserve with an area of ​​155.9 ha was created in the Tausito area, right on the border with Tapanti National Park.

In the province of Guanacaste, in the town of Cuajiniquill, the Blue Life Ocean Education and Whale Center is built, which also serves as a unique base for volunteer stays and the Eye of the Ocean monitoring program, which is a unique ocean monitoring program focused on marine mammals, whales and dolphins. It takes place on the project ship The Spartan. Monitoring humpback whales and sharks, or detecting illegal fishing is our mission for the ocean.

With your contribution, you will support the operation of individual projects, from the operation and protection of the reserve, monitoring of animals on the river and in the ocean, including the operation of our Costa Rican branch, without which the individual projects could not function.

You can find more about the projects here.

Green Life Costa Rica 


Blue Life Costa Rica 

Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Ať se Vám daří.

CZK 2,000

Jsem rád, že jsem měl v roce 2023 opět několik zakázek a můžu přispět na záchranu biodiverzity. Doufám že do budoucna budu moci přispět mnohem víc.

Antonín Vystrčil
CZK 5,000

Ing. Pavel Prosman, Praha

CZK 300

Dar - příspěvek na zakoupení hydrofonu pro nahrávání zvuků Keporkaků v Kostarice.
Donation - contribution to the purchase of a hydrophone for recording the sounds of Humpback whales in Costa Rica

Petr Liškutín
CZK 11,500

Ať se s projektem daří :)

Pavla Votavová

Dobrý den, od žáků České zahradnické akademie v Mělníku jsme vybrali 640,- Kč. na projekt OKO JAGUÁRA. Peníze posíláme z účtu L. Pytlouna.
Zdraví Julie Kopecká, předsedkyně žákovského parlamentu

Julie Kopecká
CZK 640


Kristýna Šimšová

Společný projekt basketbalového klubu KP Brno a Spolku Prales dětem. Zaslaná částka byla vybraná v rámci virtuálního prodeje vstupenek.

KP Brno
CZK 10,000

Velmi kostarickému projektu fandím! Děkuji Milanovi Jeglíkovi a celému jeho týmu za práci v oblasti ochrany přírody a ohrožených zvířat.

Barbora Zelenkova
CZK 5,700

Pěkný projekt, držím palce!

David Špringl
CZK 2,000