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Giving Information Environment

Tree Avenue of Understanding

Help us plant the Tree Avenue of Understanding and take care of the future of 68 trees, which will become a symbol of mutual cooperation and understanding of states in mitigating the effects of the climate crisis. This magical number brings us hope for the awakening of society. A society that perceives how important trees are for restoring the landscape's resilience to climate change - drought and rainfall.

Tree Avenue of Understanding

Join us and help us plant the Tree Avenue of Understanding. Our republic needs care just like the Czech landscape. Support both by planting the Tree Avenue of Understanding. Donate a symbolic 5 thousand crowns (200 EUR) to a new tree.
raised 62 % out of  €5,974

supported by

21 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
Help us plant the Tree Avenue of Understanding and take care of the future of 68 trees that will become a symbol of mutual cooperation and understanding of states in mitigating the effects of the climate crisis. This magical number brings us hope for the awakening of society. A society that sees the importance of trees in restoring the landscape's resilience to climate change.

On Saturday, October 17, diplomats, Minister of Foreign Affairs Tomáš Petříček and citizens from Hostivice and Jeneč, will plant an 700-meter-long tree alley. Together, they will restore the extinct footpath (chýňská pěšina) and help the landscape return to its historic character.

The new alley will serve as a barrier against strong winds and erosion and will support the natural return of animals to the suburban area.

Support the planting of the alley:

  • buy one tree for 5,000 CZK (200 EUR)
  • donate any amount to the organization of planting
  • register for the event and plant the trees together with the ambassadors
Proceeds from this collection, guaranteed by the Partnership Foundation, will be used to organize the planting of the Tree Avenue of Understanding in Hostivice near Prague, volunteer involvement, professional supervision during planting, tree marking, subsequent tree care in the coming years and other necessary costs. 
Thank you for helping!
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Vždycky byl můj sen vysadit strom ve volné krajině. Na místě, kde ho nic nebude omezovat v růstu do výšky i do šířky. Budu svému stromu držet palce, aby dobře zakořenil a těším se, že budu každý rok sledovat, jak roste a sílí!

Jiří Kadlec
CZK 5,000

Velvyslanectví Státu Palestina velmi rádo podpoří tento projekt, přispíváme tedy na výsadbu stromu a spolu s diplomatickým sborem se výsadby také zúčastníme.

CZK 5,000

Těšíme se na sázení. Prosím jeden strom stranou pro naši rodinu. Hezký den

Michaela Petránková
CZK 5,000

Pro naše děti

zuzana Khendriche Trhlínová
CZK 5,000

Dobry , projekt rad podporim a chystam se svuj strom i zasadit, Kamil Slavik

Kamil Slavik
CZK 5,000