Nadace Partnerství

Regional and Community Development Environment

Open Gardens

The Open Gardens is set in the environment of urban gardens that form a unique park area encircling the tallest top in the entire city; atop of which stands the historically valuable Špilberk castle. It is a truly unique space to experience nature, technology and city gardening, serving both as a model and blueprint for smart city development and a hub for nurturing civil society and environmental innovations. The Open Gardens is simply a matter of the heart for many people.

Open Gardens = the Matter of the Heart

From an abandoned landfill to a beautiful place; we transformed the neglected gardens under Špilberk into an Open Garden; a green oasis for all generations. Let's take care of a unique place together. Thanks a lot!

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99 people
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Day after day we take care of the garden and the animals in it, we take care of plants, trees, flowers, we create a green space for rest and knowledge. Subsidies help us, but they are not enough for everything. That's why we rent out the space for family gatherings, corporate events, weddings, or work meetings. We host a variety of workshops, educational programs for schools, and events for children and adults. Our team includes a diverse range of personalities from across the industry, all experienced professionals who work in the garden not for the money, but because they enjoy it and find it meaningful. This, we believe, is evident in the programs and the garden itself, and our course participants and visitors are pleased with their work.

Help us keep the garden beautiful and healthy for our children's children, our grandchildren's grandchildren, and for future generations of Brno residents. May it continue to be a place where newlyweds pledge their love, children learn to understand the cycle of nature, people of all ages gather inspiration from herbs, beekeeping, green building, and parents and children spend meaningful time in the city. 

The campus consists of three parts - the educational Four Elements Garden, the natural and historic Boromean Garden, and a passive office building with a green roof. The annual costs of maintaining and operating the gardens are not low, amounting to two million crowns, so we are asking for your support too. Thank you for helping the Open Garden to flourish.
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Moc děkujeme za Vaši práci, další realizované nápady i nakažlivé šíření dobrých věcí. Přijměte prosím s dovolením tento drobný příspěvek od naší pětičlenné smečky.

CZK 2,500

Dobrý den, mockrát děkujeme za Váš štědrý dar. Je pro nás velkým povzbuzením v naší práci!

Nadace Partnerství

Chodím s detmi rada. At se vam dari dal misto zvelebovat!

Pavla Pilchová

Ježíšek pro králíčky :-)

Veronika Šušmáková
CZK 400

Je potřeba podporovat aspoň pár korunkami - takový krásný místa, kde je vidět práce zapálených lidiček. Díky za Vás. Markét

Marketa Novakova
CZK 50