Justice for Nature, z.s.

Environment Animals

NGO Justice for Nature

We are part of the world's nature protection and our activities have intercontinental reach. Our energy is antipoaching activities in the field, protection of critically endangered animal species and education. Without the background and people around us we could not ever do it. Your donations will help us ensure the operation and long-term functioning of our activities, including regular and unavoidable costs such as wages for employees, web hosting, domains and others. Thanks to you we can develop.

we started on 2020-03-27


Together we can do more!

supported by

297 people
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secured by Darujme.cz


Since 2009 we protect rainforest and endangered animal species in the Leuser ecosystem on Sumatra in Indonesia. We have cereated a nature reserve Green Life I as a "buffer zone" between Gunung Leuser NP and human civilization. In 2021, the project expanded to Costa Rica, where Green Life II nature reserve have been established on the border with Tapanti National Park.
We provide jobs to people in Green Patrol antipoaching teams, work with the local community and educate next generation. 

In 2017 we established Blue Life I project aimed at protecting underwater world and cleaning beaches from plastic garbage in Pulau Bayak archipelago next to Sumatra. Since 2022 ve cooperate with the local organisation on the educational program Blue Life Kids.
In 2022, the project expanded as Blue Life II to Costa Rica, where an ocean education center and base for monitoring sharks, whales and other endangered species in cooperation with national parks, rangers and the local community, is being built. 

A worldwide monitoring project using camera traps to collect data on animal life, the aim of which is to create an international educational and motivational program called Earth Ethics. It is intended for schools on five continents and will be implemented in cooperation with the International Ranger Federation and state federations of rangers or private reserves. Important part of the project is detection of illegal poaching and logging activities in protected areas, including training of rangers on the use of modern technologies in detection of crimes in national parks.

The Civic Watch against poisons in the Czech landscape is trying to suppress deliberate and secondary poisoning of animals. We do seasonal field monitoring to point out the offense against nature and landscape, and other people and their pets as well. We collect and document findings and evidence. We cooperate with other state and non-state entities

For more information visit www.justicefornature.org
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Díky za to, čím jste a za to, co děláte!

Barbora Zemanová
CZK 200


Anna Fibichová

Děkuju ještě jednou za skvělou přednášku :) Přeji hodně štěstí, síly a odvahy do budoucna💗

Anna Fibichová

Děkuji za to,co děláte.🦧

Kristýna Rálková
CZK 200

Vždy a veľmi rada prispejem ľuďom, ktorí milujú a chránia prírodu. 🙏 Ďakujem.

Veronika Kosecová
CZK 500

Jsme rádi, že můžeme pomoci. Účastníci 24H hackathonu & tým projectYOU

CZK 5,000

Za Heli, ať se planeta hezky zelení :)

Tomáš Votruba
CZK 50,000

Smekám a držím palce!

Emil Morav
CZK 1,000

Anežka Sedláková podporuje Prales dětem

Robert Sedlák
CZK 1,000

jen to nezvdávejte

CZK 500