Maltézská pomoc, o. p. s.

People with disabilities Elderly

We don't want them to stay alone - Malteser volunteers help

We are not indifferent to the life of any man, we are not indifferent to the pain, suffering, hardship, disability or loneliness. Our organization strives not only for the elimination of material need but also for the social, mental and spiritual support of a man. We do not want the elderly, sick or disabled people to stay alone. We want to help them, but we also want to relieve their family members in demanding care about the closest family members.

we started on 2019-05-23
raised 15 % out of  €19,960

supported by

15 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
The volunteer projects are key activities of Czech Maltese help. We develop them in twelve centres in the Czech Republic. A new centre is currently being established in Černošice (near Prague).

Our coordinators provide volunteers with a professional and human background so they can spend their time with the needy people in an efficient and meaningful way. We provide volunteers with initial training, methodological accompaniment, education, supervision, insurance and long-term support in their service.

Our volunteer projects include: 
  • Help to lone seniors and people with disabilities ("Adoption of seniors") 
  • Assistance to carers in the care of sick and disabled people 
  • Social-activation programs for children, youth and family support 
  • Writing with prisoners 
  • International meeting of wheelchair users in Velehrad (famous pilgrimage centre in Moravia)
  • Volunteering in hospitals and health care facilities 
  • Help across generations (seniors help children)

In 2018 we worked with 571 volunteers, who donated 15 021 hours for 816 clients.

Join in and help us create a healthy society that is not indifferent. Join the Maltese help as a volunteer and spend your time serving others or support our activities financially. In order to secure the costs in all thirteen volunteer centers, we lack CZK 500,000 (EUR 19.400) for this year. We believe that thanks to the support of people of good will, like you, we will be able to obtain the necessary amount of money that we can continue our volunteer help.

„We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop." Mother Teresa

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