Nadační fond Happy Hearts

Education and Research Children, Youth and Family

Happy Hearts Czech

Happy Hearts Fund rebuilds safe, resilient schools in areas affected by natural disasters and teaches children about philanthropy. The Foundation was established by Petra Němcová and Karolína Bosáková after their personal experience with the tsunami in 2004. Through schools, we bring hope and support to the generations of children and to all communities. To date, we have built together with partners 362 schools in 28 countries, serving more than 122,000+ children. But many children are still waiting. Account number 279766379/0300, IBAN CZ6703000000000279766379, SWIFT (BIC) CEKOCZPP.

we started on 2017-10-16

supported by

94 people
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Our schools are not only places of education for children, but also community centers where local people can come together and find support. Happy Hearts schools are also safe havens for the community from other natural disasters.

Your support can change the lives of many children for the better through education.

Start supporting our projects today and help improve living conditions in the places where it is needed most.

For donation of 1,000 EUR we will return one child back in school.

We will issue a receipt for the donation for tax deduction purposes.
Every donation counts and will bring more children closer to achieving their dream of returning to school.



Education is hope for a better future. Our mission is to build schools in areas affected by natural disasters. We only help to the extent that the affected communities can not help themselves. From each €100 donation €95 goes to the affected communities.

Thank you for your amazing support,

Karolína Bosáková
CEO & co-founder of Happy Hearts Czech 


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Od pekařství Zoulek :-)

Petr Zoulek
CZK 2,000

Pro dobrou věc!

Zdenka Svobodova
CZK 1,000


Pavel Netík
CZK 5,050


Dana Mitchell
CZK 10,000

Thank you ❤️

Zdenka Economidi Rezacova

2x žák zpět do školy :)

Václav Dejčmar
CZK 50,000

SIMPLEBEEZ s.r.o. věnují pro dobrou věc v zastoupení paní Simony Kijonkové.

David Štěpán
CZK 4,041


Monika Mikšová
CZK 1,000

Dobroden Leoše Mareše
