Nadační fond Nadace Bátor Tábor Česká republika

Children, Youth and Family People with disabilities

Donate a portion of courage to seriously ill children

At Spolu s odvahou Foundation (part of Bátor Tábor family) we create unforgettable experiences through virtual or physical camps or one-day workshops. In 2023, we brought a therapeutic program to selected Czech schools. This program helps sick children, classmates and teachers to accept difference, train empathy and strengthen friendships. Thanks to your support, we are able to give courage where it is needed most. Petr Šmíd, Chairman of the Board

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Our mission is to serve seriously ill children and their families. We meet them in hospitals, help them get back to life through therapeutic camps, and hold their hands as they return to school. Our programs aim to alleviate the mental burden that comes with serious illness. All of our programs are free and are designed to develop the skills needed to succeed in life.

We offer regular workshops, virtual programs and camps for our young and older campers where new friendships, experiences and a hefty dose of courage await.

 "SPOLU S ODVAHOU is a place where I can feel and be myself. Regardless of the world around us. If there was a war, Bator Camp would be one of the few places full of joy in the world." 
(online Bator Camp camper, cystic fibrosis) 

Our programs are open to children battling cancer, muscular dystrophy and atrophy, diabetes, cystic fibrosis or other serious illnesses, ages 7 - 17. We provide free therapeutic programs that allow children to regain self-confidence, overcome self-doubt, make new friendships, and find their inner strength to fight illness. We ensure that every child, regardless of their medical condition, can experience a happy and carefree childhood.

Thanks to your support, we can continue our activities. Thank you!
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Za Lenku na G11. Hodně štěstí a vydržte tu úmornou dřinu.

Obaly KREDO s.r.o. Jiří Mára
CZK 2,000

Ať se onkotábory daří. Taky jsem na ně rád jezdil.

CZK 1,000

Ať se Bátor Tábor daří a pomůže co nejvíce dětem!

Petr Šmíd

Děkujeme za Rosťu Míšu. Rád vzpomíná na Bátor Tábor.

Marek Míša
CZK 1,000