K srdci klíč, o.p.s.

http://www.ksrdciklic.cz Email: info@ksrdciklic.cz

We focus on helping people in crises, especially related to the loss of housing. We operate a variety of social services, including a family shelter, a men's shelter, a halfway house for youth, men's and women's homeless night shelters, low-threshold day centers, an outreach work, and a mobile food service. We aim to provide comprehensive assistance through Job Training and Debt Counselling projects that focus on tackling debt and removing barriers to finding and gaining employment, to reduce the risk of social exclusion. We subscribe to the idea that everyone has the right to their housing, security, and home. We aim to empower homeless people and achieve lasting change together through the social rehabilitation Klíč k samostatnému bydlení and Housing First and Housing Led projects.

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