České centrum pro investigativní žurnalistiku, o.p.s.

https://www.investigace.cz/ Email: info@investigace.cz

Czech Center for Investigative Journalism, a Czech journalistic non profit organization founded in 2013. On investigace.cz we bring original investigative stories about cross border organized crime and its impact on the Czech Republic. We are the sole Czech representatives in the international investigative networks, Organised Crime and Corruption Reporting Project and International Consortium of Investigative Journalists. Thanks to our international cooperation we have brought to the Czech media ground breaking investigations such as the Panama Papers, 'Ndrangheta operations in Czechia and Slovakia or the Russian and Azerbaijani Laundromat schemes. We want to inform the public about the influence of financial crime on Czech politics and economy so that people can hold power to account. Our content is accessible on our website free of charge to anyone. We prefer journalistic cooperation to exclusivity and quality journalism to fast publishing.

Current projects