We are everywhere where people face acute threats to health, lives and property damage. With our own fleet of rescue vehicles, vans and armored personnel carriers, we distributed hundreds of tons of humanitarian aid and life-saving medical supplies. Support us.
As part of our activities, we go anywhere where (mainly but not only) healthcare is necessary.
The story of our charity events began back in 2008, when we founded an association in Benešov bringing together young people and organizing charity concerts and children's events. Since 2012, we have started going out as volunteers to natural disasters, directly into the field. Among other things, we helped after the storm in Slovakia, we were active in the time of covid, we were very affected by the tragic Moravian tornado, and we were not absent there either. At this time, we are concentrating our aid mainly on the territory of Ukraine, occupied by the Russian aggressor. We help transport the wounded to safety, import and distribute humanitarian aid (primarily food, hygiene supplies, etc.) directly in the necessary places, we strive to improve the facilities and equipment not only of Czech volunteers near the front line. We supplement emergency first aid material in field hospitals and other medical facilities.
A universal collection for the acquisition of material for our activities, so every vehicle needs maintenance. Without vehicles, we cannot get help to the places where help is needed.
We support children's projects, training, humanitarian activities, teaching, children's days, etc...
We are in this together and we help effectively only thanks to you... let's continue with your help... Let's not give up!!!
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The year 2025 is beginning. A year that could be a historic milestone for our society. We will be moving in a disinformation war and the upcoming elections to the Chamber of Deputies will not make our work and helping people easier. The most important thing is that we do not intend to give up on helping people, children, seniors, people in need.
We have been helping since 2008 and have created many positive stories. We are recording support from children from the early years. From children who are now adults and their words personally warm our hearts. Others of you have been with us since the floods of 2013. Despite Covid 2020, Tornado 2021 and the suffering of war-torn countries, you have been with us since 2022.
Thank you for the trust you have shown in recent years and we wish you good health, happiness, personal and professional success in the new year 2025.
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Cohene drž se.
Zuzana Cedrychová
CZK 2,000
Držte se!
Hana Matoušková
CZK 300
My záchranu obránců Ukrajiny před zločinnými agresory z Ruska
Leoš Literák
CZK 1,000
Hodně štěstí.
Aleš Kopečný
CZK 1,000
Držte se a děkuju!
Martin Straka
CZK 2,000
Smekám klobouk před každým na frontě, jste novodobí hrdinové a píšete historii!
Слава Україні!
Cohene drž se.
Držte se!
My záchranu obránců Ukrajiny před zločinnými agresory z Ruska
Hodně štěstí.
Držte se a děkuju!
Smekám klobouk před každým na frontě, jste novodobí hrdinové a píšete historii!
Слава Україні!
Držte se a děkujeme za vše co děláte!
Jsme Češi, nikdy se nevzdáme
Na záchranu životů. Díky moc, že to děláte.