Sokolská župa Budečská

Culture, Art and History Development Aid

Zborov memorial house

The primary objective of the collection is to gather financial support from Sokols, Legionnaires, resistance fighters, and other sympathizers in order to purchase a property located immediately adjacent to the Zborov war graves cemetery in Ukraine.

we started on 2023-06-30

Zborov memorial house

raised 108 % out of  €7,882

supported by

38 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
Buying a house in Ukraine is currently quite an ambitious idea. However, we believe there is no better time for the revival of Ukraine and the strengthening of our friendship than now. Czechs, Slovaks, our compatriots in Ukraine, and Ukrainians themselves will appreciate a joint project that draws from the past and expresses hope for a shared future in peace.

The purchase of a house near Zborov is a symbol of friendship, respect, and mutual support. We want the house to remind us of the strong bond we share. Additionally, the house is beautifully situated in nature with an undisturbed view of the cemetery. The property spans 1200 square meters, and we intend to create a zone with the possibility of caravan connections or accommodations for backpackers. We aim to spread the legacy of the Zborov battle to all generations and groups of people.

The Zborov battle on present-day Ukraine represents one of the most significant events in the establishment of an independent state during World War I. Having a memorial house at the battlefield site is a tribute to the generations of soldiers, legionnaires, Sokols, and resistance fighters who died for our freedom. Places in Ukraine are important for our history and seem to be crucial for our future as well. The memorial house will serve as a multifunctional place for visitors. The goal is to create a self-sustaining building that utilizes new Czech and Slovak technologies, including remote property management. Anyone can book the use of the house online and explore the building's condition, as well as access genuine historical collections or archival documents on a monitor screen in multiple languages. We genuinely want to use technology for both building management and bringing history closer.

The purchase of the house is arranged for 200,000 Czech crowns. An additional 150,000 Czech crowns will be used for developing a concept for the reconstruction, obtaining building permits, and, if anything remains, ensuring water, sewage, and electrical connections for the property. We aim to transform the house and land into a stopping point, museum, calm area, and a place for overnight stays, where visitors can have a coffee and reflect on the past, present, and future. The initial fundraising for property acquisition and reconstruction preparation will be managed by Sokol župa Budečská. A group of Sokols, under the leadership of the župa Budečská, came up with the idea to create a memorial house during two humanitarian missions in November 2022 and April 2023 when Zborov was always an unforgettable stop. If more funds are raised, we will move to the next phase and initiate the reconstruction. The target owner and future operator of the house, who will share our vision, will be a non-profit Ukrainian organization connected with Czech and Slovak compatriots. We aim to open the memorial house no later than the 110th anniversary of the Zborov battle in the summer of 2027.

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Jen výš a výš!

Jiří Braný

Na historii ČR měly události na Ukrajině často velký vliv. Boje na Zborovu jsou spojeny se vznikem ČS legii a legie jsou svázaný se vnikem Československa. A dnes znovu se tvoří budoucnost ČR, Slovenské republiky a dalších evropských zemí na Ukrajině.

Rostislav Lariš

Děkujeme za připomenutí hrdinství našich vojáků.

Jana K.H.
CZK 1,000

Snad se tam bude možné brzy bezpečně podívat 🍀

David Vávra
CZK 2,000

Jestli to bude stačit.

Zdenek Veselý
CZK 2,000

Pro Ukrajinu a na paměť našich legií.

Radek Trtílek
CZK 5,000

Ať se dílo podaří...

Ondřej Červinka

Přidán příspěvek od účastníků akce Připomínka Dne válečných veteránů.

T.J. Sokol Žilina
CZK 3,700

Zborovským hrdinům – Nazdar!

Peter Szenasy
CZK 10,000