Ultrasound fundraiser for Itibo hospital in western Kenya

We are a group of medical students who had the opportunity to go on a mission to a hospital in western Kenya. Here in the village of Itibo, Aleš Bárta established a Czech mission hospital under the organization ADRA 17 years ago. Thanks to sponsors and donations over the years, the hospital has evolved into its current form. From a small room with one nurse, a dull scalpel, a roll of cotton, and a bit of water, the hospital can now of an outpatient clinic, small and large surgical theaters, a small laboratory, a dental clinic, three ICU beds, and four standard ward rooms. However, we are now reaching out to you with a request for financial support to purchase a quality wireless ultrasound with linear and convex probes and a tablet for display.
Itibo Hospital is located in the village of the same name in western Kenya. While it is one of the poorest areas in the country, its wealth lies in its beautiful surrounding nature. The hospital is staffed by five local healthcare workers, supplemented each year for six months by a team of Czech doctors and medics. Thanks to you, the donors, last year we managed to raise funds for a biochemical analyzer, which helped elevate Itibo to the third highest class of hospitals in Kenya.
The stories in Itibo Hospital can sometimes be very sad. The worst moments were when we knew we could help deteriorating patients, but due to a lack of imaging methods, we struggled to decide on the appropriate treatment, thus losing time. We would like to prevent similar situations in the future, which is why we have decided to start a fundraiser for a quality ultrasound probe that will help future teams quickly assess the situation of patients' illnesses.
We are a group of medical students who had the opportunity to go on a mission to a hospital in western Kenya. Here in the village of Itibo, Aleš Bárta established a Czech mission hospital under the organization ADRA 17 years ago. Thanks to sponsors and donations over the years, the hospital has evolved into its current form. From a small room with one nurse, a dull scalpel, a roll of cotton, and a bit of water, the hospital can now of an outpatient clinic, small and large surgical theaters, a small laboratory, a dental clinic, three ICU beds, and four standard ward rooms. However, we are now reaching out to you with a request for financial support to purchase a quality wireless ultrasound with linear and convex probes and a tablet for display.
Itibo Hospital is located in the village of the same name in western Kenya. While it is one of the poorest areas in the country, its wealth lies in its beautiful surrounding nature. The hospital is staffed by five local healthcare workers, supplemented each year for six months by a team of Czech doctors and medics. Thanks to you, the donors, last year we managed to raise funds for a biochemical analyzer, which helped elevate Itibo to the third highest class of hospitals in Kenya.
The stories in Itibo Hospital can sometimes be very sad. The worst moments were when we knew we could help deteriorating patients, but due to a lack of imaging methods, we struggled to decide on the appropriate treatment, thus losing time. We would like to prevent similar situations in the future, which is why we have decided to start a fundraiser for a quality ultrasound probe that will help future teams quickly assess the situation of patients' illnesses.
Why we specifically raise money for an ultrasound?
A quality ultrasound probe examination is a very important part of diagnosing, especially in acute cases. It helps us decide whether we can handle the case ourselves or if it is necessary to transfer the patient to a higher-class hospital. However, the device can also be used in the daily operation of the clinic, especially in cases of abdominal pain, suspected dehydration, or certain heart diseases.
We remember a case when we admitted a mother at night whose amniotic fluid was very cloudy. Such a finding could mean that the child is suffering from a lack of oxygen, likely caused by the umbilical cord wrapping around the neck. Unfortunately, in Itibo, we do not have an ultrasound with Doppler imaging available, which would help distinguish the structures of the umbilical cord and the fetus itself based on the flowing blood. We were thus faced with a decision whether to transport the patient to another hospital and risk giving birth during transport on broken dusty roads, or to bet on giving birth in Itibo.
In Europian hospitals, ultrasound with Doppler imaging is the basis of every maternity ward and gynecological practice, and this patient would be monitored and subsequently indicated for a cesarean section. However, our story has a happy ending. After considering the risks of night transport and deciding to keep the patient with us, a healthy baby girl was born.
Help us reduce the need to decide the fates of patients without the necessary information,when the only thing that helps us is just luck, which we hope for. Contribute to the ultrasound, which will improve the diagnostics and therapy of the inhabitants of Itibo.
Thank you for caring.
In case we will not rais enouhgt money for the ultrasound with both probes, we would consider the possibility of purchasing a device with only one probe. If, on the contrary, we managed to raise more money, the surplus would be donated to other medical materials for the hospital and possibly to buy a newer version of the tablet. If we don't collect enough money for any kind of ultrasound, the money will be used for donating Itibo hospital under the ADRA humanitarian organisation.
Již od roku 2005 provozujeme v Keni zdravotní středisko Itibo, jehož hlavním cílem je poskytovat zdravotnické služby místním lidem a zvyšovat kvalitu zdravotní péče. Za tu řadu let jsme zde ušli velký kus cesty a naše nemocnice byla Ministerstvem zahraničí v Nairobi povýšena na statut Mission Hospital SDA (tzv. misijní nemocnice). 🩺
Díky pravidelným návštěvám českých lékařů a studentů medicíny, kteří do Itiba cestují v rámci krátkodobých stáží, dokážeme společně s místními zdravotníky ročně ošetřit přes 12 tisíc pacientů s různými typy zranění. Daří se nám tak mimo jiné snižovat počet úmrtí zapříčiněných chorobami nebo úrazy, které jsou běžně léčitelné. Kromě toho poskytujeme budoucím maminkám zázemí porodnice, kde se ročně narodí okolo několik set dětí. Zajišťujeme také preventivní stomatologickou péči a věnujeme se edukaci v oblasti hygieny.
Díky Vašim darům se nám podařilo zachránit již tisíce životů.
Z Vašich prostředků jsme již vybudovali:
👨🏿⚕️ operační sál
🦷 zubní kliniku
👶🏾 porodnici
😷 jednotku intenzivní péče
Centrum jsme vybavili:
🩻 rentgenem
🚑 sanitkou
🛌 novým nábytkem
Pomozte nám nasbírat finanční prostředky na nákup dýchacího přístroje a dát tak ještě více pacientům v kritickém stavu šanci na kvalitní život.
Více informací zde: itibo.cz/o-projektu
Díky pravidelným návštěvám českých lékařů a studentů medicíny, kteří do Itiba cestují v rámci krátkodobých stáží, dokážeme společně s místními zdravotníky ročně ošetřit přes 12 tisíc pacientů s různými typy zranění. Daří se nám tak mimo jiné snižovat počet úmrtí zapříčiněných chorobami nebo úrazy, které jsou běžně léčitelné. Kromě toho poskytujeme budoucím maminkám zázemí porodnice, kde se ročně narodí okolo několik set dětí. Zajišťujeme také preventivní stomatologickou péči a věnujeme se edukaci v oblasti hygieny.
Díky Vašim darům se nám podařilo zachránit již tisíce životů.
Z Vašich prostředků jsme již vybudovali:
👨🏿⚕️ operační sál
🦷 zubní kliniku
👶🏾 porodnici
😷 jednotku intenzivní péče
Centrum jsme vybavili:
🩻 rentgenem
🚑 sanitkou
🛌 novým nábytkem
Pomozte nám nasbírat finanční prostředky na nákup dýchacího přístroje a dát tak ještě více pacientům v kritickém stavu šanci na kvalitní život.
Více informací zde: itibo.cz/o-projektu
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