Radka Bystřická: campaign for project Media Literacy Academy

Strengthen the leg! Strengthen democracy!

we started on 2023-06-03
raised 68 % out of  €2,773

supported by

39 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
After a year of struggling with my knee, I underwent surgery at the end of April. In order to get back into saddle, and most importantly, saddle of my bike, I have to exercise, exercise, exercise, undergo rehabilitation, and have strong determination. And sometimes, I lack that determination, so I need external motivation. That's why I've decided to combine my recovery with supporting our media literacy project. Strengthen the leg! Strengthen democracy!

I hereby make a public commitment that on September 9, I will take a charitable bike ride and cover as many kilometers as you donate a thousand of czech crowns for!
y the end of August, unfortunately, the state of convalescence does not allow for driving more than 50 km, so that will be the upper limit. Anything extra you contribute, the universe or God will repay you with healthy knees :)
Last summer, I hopped on my bike and set off from Roudnice to Děčín. Lately, my knee had been bothering me a bit, but I wasn't going to let that stop me. However, the pain became unbearable near Ústí, and I felt like crying. I had to cut the trip short. I thought I just needed some rest and it would get better. But it didn't. Months of physiotherapy were not helping, I could barely walk. The orthopedic specialistsaid : We don't know what's wrong, but it's strange, so let's open it up and operate on whatever we find. M'kay :D

Turned out it was a congenital defect of an attachment of ligament. Fortunately it was easy to fix and off I went. The prospects are now very promising. After two weeks, I ditched the crutches, but the muscles in my leg have suffered a year of complete stagnation and have a consistency of mushy porridge, so daily exercises and strengthening are necessary. And, well, I'm losing motivation.

And this is where you come in! I need motivation, peer pressure, and I also want something good to come out of my ordeal.

I have decided to support our Media Literacy Academy project by taking on this challenge. We are currently supporting youth workers in the Ústí, Liberec, and Hradec Králové regions in integrating media education into their work with children. The project has received some support from Norwegian funds, but we still need a bit more funding to complete it. I'm really proud of this project because we focus on youth workers outside the school system, which is crucial for enhancing overall media literacy. However, there is currently no support directed towards them, and it's been challenging to secure the required funding. Everyone supports schools, but that's not enough.

For every 1000 CZK (approx. $45) contributed to my challenge, I will cycle 1 kilometer on September 9.
Just to give you an idea, my longest ride ever was 90 km, and 60 km is a nice afternoon on the bike. My goal is to reach 70 km, but if you support me more, I'll push even harder. I will document the rides in real-time on Facebook and Instagram stories (at least I'll have an excuse for frequent breaks).
UPDATE: by the end of August, unfortunately, the state of convalescence does not allow for driving more than 50 km a day, so that will be the upper limit. Anything extra you contribute, the universe or God will repay you with healthy knees :)

Donors who contribute 5 km or more will have the opportunity to go on a personal ride of their choosing with me til the end of the year!

This plan has been consulted with and approved by my physiotherapist.

I have set the date for the ride - September 9th.
I had to give up on the idea of doing it at the end of August after my visit to the physiotherapist yesterday. I overdid it a bit with training, and now I'm banned from cycling for a week :) At the same time, my current condition does not allow for a ride longer than 50 km, so that will be the maximum distance for the ride, and I'm learning to temper my ambitions.

Create campaign

Sdružení VIA, z. ú.
We are going with the Media Literacy Academy to the regions. We support schools, libraries, and nonprofits in the Ústí, Liberec, and Hradec Králové regions. We provide them with training, consultations, and support in developing their own activities and integrating media education into their work with youth. Join us in supporting the development of media literacy in the regions!
In today's digital age, where information reaches a significantly larger audience than ever before, the battle against misinformation has become an inherent part of our society. The growing influence of misinformation and manipulation presents challenges to our society and threatens our democracy, freedom, and quality of life. Misinformation has the potential to sway public decision-making, undermine trust in institutions, and disrupt social cohesion.

Without media literacy, people are vulnerable to manipulation and misinformation. Education in media literacy is crucial for individuals to recognize and analyze sources of information, evaluate their credibility, and approach the content they consume critically.

However, it is not enough to focus solely on schools. Critical thinking and the ability to evaluate information and sources need to be developed at all possible levels. Especially in the most vulnerable regions, we also encounter cases of radicalization among school leadership or teachers, hindering the implementation of media education in these schools.

It is all the more critical to strengthen media literacy beyond the confines of school classrooms. In our project, we work not only with schools but also with libraries and nonprofit organizations. We assess the needs of youth workers operating outside the school system and prepare a methodology website and exercises that they can utilize in their work.

While most media literacy efforts today focus on supporting schools and teachers, with numerous methodologies being developed, we aim to complement these endeavors by providing support for media literacy in non-formal education. Drawing upon our extensive experience in helping the nonprofit sector, we strive to enhance media literacy efforts beyond the school environment.

Support us in our efforts to raise awareness about the importance of media literacy and provide people with the tools they need to protect themselves against misinformation. Together, we can build a resilient society based on awareness, critical thinking, and the ability to recognize truthful and quality information.

The project has been partially funded by the Financial Mechanism of Norway 2014–2021. Your donation will help us cover the remaining financing for the project. Thank you!

This text was prepared with the assistance of the ChatGPT tool, an artificial intelligence developed by OpenAI. As part of our efforts to enhance media literacy, it is important for us to share this information.

tak hlavně srůstej😉

David Fojtík

Be strong for recovery and for democracy!

Rebecca Masisak

Radka - good luck! Staying active on the bike is one of the best ways to have a long, healthy life. I wish your knee the best of luck in recuperating. Take it slow, but do a little bit every day and in time, it will become stronger than ever. Cheers, Nick

nicholas fynn

Go Radka!

Conor Mulherin

Let's ride!

Erin Gallegos

Všecko bude!

Magdaléna Kožíšek Mikulová
CZK 1,000

Ať posiluje to, co má růst a sílit...

Matej Lejsal

Držím palce

Michal Dvorský
CZK 1,000

Skvěly, Radu. Jak budu v Praze, tak navrhuji osobni vyjizdku a diskusi (nejen) o Sdruzeni :)

Filip Dřímalka

Držim palce ;-)

Petr Spurný
All donations support organization:
Sdružení VIA, z. ú., projekt: Media Literacy Academy