Lucie Marková: campaign for project Help Secure PONTO Animal Sanctuary

Birthday Fundraiser for PONTO Animal Shelter

we started on 2023-03-01
raised 20 % out of  €202

supported by

4 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!

When each of us does a little, together we can accomplish great things 🍀 And for my birthday, I have one small wish - to help where it's needed. That's why I'm calling for support of an ethical, meaningful, and long-term project, which is the shelter for rescued animals called Ponto. It is run by a small and humble family "team" of hardworking people, for whom animals are a priority and they have dedicated their lives to taking care of them 😊

How did I come across Ponto?
One of the members of the shelter's animal crew is a cat named Krabička - our paths crossed because she was one of many unneutered and neglected cats, and together with my family, we provided her with intensive care and a temporary home for a while. The whole story can be read here:
We searched for a new home for Krabička for a long time, and I know that Ponto was the best choice for her, where she is well taken care of and receives everything that every being needs - freedom, love, and the best company 💙 

Currently, the biggest help is needed for a piglet named Bobík, who cannot walk, and veterinary care is very financially demanding.

Therefore, I would like to support Ponto's activities in this way because they don't divide animals into edible and non-edible, they help everyone without discrimination, and I believe they deserve attention 💚💚💚

PS. The most beautiful joy is to give to others 🌸 and every penny counts!
Ponto z.s.
Help us feed the animals and build new, thermally insulated shelters and other things necessary for the animal sanctuary and care for rescued animals. Every penny counts and the animals really need your help!

We at PONTO do our best to push back the idea that any sort of difference between so called "domestic" and "farm" animals allows us to divide them into edible and inedible. Our goal therefore is to help all animals without a double standard and to inspire others to expand their field of compassion to all living beings.

Všechno nejlepší, Luci!

Monika Villarroelová
CZK 100
All donations support organization:
Ponto z.s., projekt: Help Secure PONTO Animal Sanctuary