Tom's Birthday Challenge: Likes for Prague Pride Festival

we started on 2021-03-24
raised 113 % out of  €1,969

supported by

102 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
In August 2020, I was taking over the position of the Prague Pride Festival Director from Hana. The rainbowed picture with her has 247 likes on Facebook. The festival could raise almost 50 thousand crowns if we get 200CZK for every single like. As for my Birthday wish, I'd love to make the festival happen and every penny counts. I'd be glad if you also invite others to support us. Thank you!
It has come to the 11th Prague Pride Festival, this time focusing on COMING OUT. The festival needs to adapt to current circumstances once again. We can't really expect thousands of people to take part in the regular parade. However, we believe that we'll still be able to organise cultural, educational and community events. 

It looks like that the festival won't get the usual support and lose a considerable amount of income this year. Even long term partners hesitate with supporting us. The plans for the festival are then even more uncertain at this very troubling year. 

Festival Prague Pride is not just about the fun. Pride week is a safe space, where anyone can be themselves. To make it happen, we need your support! The 49.400 CZK can cover Pride House production for the weekend or Saturday’s online programme. Pride House is alongside Pride Village (Střelecký Ostrov) the key festival location with dozens of seminars, talks, art exhibition or screening. 
Prague Pride z.s.
The 14th year of the festival will take place from August 5 to 11, 2024 The theme of this year's Prague Pride festival is FAMILY. We want to show that family is not just mom, dad and child/children. And also that queer families have always been here. Family is where the love is.

Let LGBT+ people experience a sense of unity! 

The Prague Pride Festival is not just a parade through the city, although it may seem so from the media. In fact, we are preparing a week-long festival with a variety of fun, educational and educational events. We believe that everyone will find something for themselves there!

Parties, concerts, queer art exhibitions, and debates are just a small sample of the rich program that the Prague Pride Festival offers every year.

The priority for the Prague Pride team is that everyone can be themselves and experience a real sense of belonging during the festival week. For this reason, the vast majority of events will be open for free.

Are you interested in more information, a donation receipt, or a donation contract? Contact Sabina at

Hanka Markytánová
CZK 200

Všechno nejlepší, Tome !
Držím palce, ať se zadaří. A díky!

Ester Janečková
CZK 1,000

Happy pride)

Anastasiya Kiyanova
CZK 200

Vše nejlepší a ať to letos vše klapne!

CZK 500

Tesim se doufam v lete :)

Klara Kisova
CZK 200

Tome, přeji všechno nejlepší k narozeninám :-)

Petr Vykopal
CZK 1,000

Tak díky tati, snad už tyhle zmetky co financování letos nepodpořili volit příště nebudeš... Posílám malou domů a držím vám všem palce z Antverp.

Ondřej Bláha
CZK 500

ať se daří při organizaci dalšího ročníku prague pride, těším se :)

Jan Procházka
CZK 3,333

Všechno nejlepší Tome! A díky. Luky a Radek


Držím palce a všechno nejlepší! ❤️

Josef Datel
CZK 500