Marta Werenycká: campaign for project I děti deptá život v době viru

Christmas challenge for PEXESO

we started on 2020-12-19
raised 0 % out of  €13,922
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
The community center PEXESO is my favorite non-profit organization that does great projects for 10,000 people from Prague-Zbraslav and the surrounding area. My children grew up with Pexeso and I have been working there as a volunteer for almost 14 years. The organization had to close for the third time this year due to government anti-epidemic measures. It spends reserves every day of lockdown, because the costs, unlike the income, somehow didn't disappear. At the same time, many more families are approaching PEXESO in various difficult situations for help. The light at the end of the "epidemic tunnel" is still not coming, so I'm trying this challenge - please support Pexeso with a financial contribution.
It is clear that this year children do not receive a quality education, exercise, social life. It is already known that they have not learned much, they are gaining weight, orthopedic defects are getting worse. Not to mention stress from various causes, mental health problems and a worsened environment in less functional families. More than ever, many will need tutoring, intense sports, a place where they can meet safely and perhaps enjoy psychological support.  Pexeso has always been such place and still is, and I hope it will be there with your help when the epidemic and the government allow a normal life again.

Each lockdown means cancellation of part of Pexeso's activities, that brings funding for social projects for families (social, psychological counseling, tutoring, a club for schoolchildren, streetwork, subsidized courses and workshops for children ...). The costs of cancelled activities due to restrictions largely remain and at the same time, the demand for social projects has multiplied since the spring and thus the related costs are rising.

The spring lockdown lasted 70 days, the autumn so far (until Christmas) 55 days, that is about 1,000 operating hours. Each hour of outage resulted in a loss of at least CZK 350, despite a huge effort to save and organize some events online. A total of CZK 350,000 loss, which is amount I am ambitiously setting as the goal of this challenge.

Please contribute as much as you can:
  • CZK 350 is 1 hour of Pexeso operation (USD 17)
  • CZK 700 half day (USD 68)
  • CZK 2,800 all day  (USD 136)
  • CZK 19,600 a week (USD 952)
Or any other amount, even a small and regular one, will be very helpful.
Thank you very much!

Here more about the organization .

Pexeso, z.s.
V dnešní době to mají děti zatraceně těžké a moc se o tom nemluví. Děti jsou bity více než dvakrát. Netráví kvalitní čas s kamarády a se spolužáky, netráví ho ve svém přirozeném prostředí. Přetížení rodiče nemusí mít kapacitu pomáhat při učení, společensko-ekonomická situace zvyšuje napětí a násilí v rodinách a školy, do kterých se děti mohly uchýlit, jsou chvíli otevřené a chvíli zavřené. Děti trápí nejistota, tlak a sociální izolace.
Během pandemie se na nás stále více obracejí děti a jejich rodiny. Děti, které trápí nejistota, samota, obavy, co s nimi bude dále…
V posledních měsících o 100 % vzrostla poptávka po terapiích, psychologickém a sociálním poradenství, které jsme poskytovali i během vládních opatření. Streetworking narostl o 240 %.  Psychickou podporu a terapii poskytujeme dětem i rodinám za zvýhodněnou cenu či zcela zdarma. Zároveň jsme byli nuceni přerušit provoz většiny kurzů a akcí, z jejichž provozu sociální poradenské služby také financujeme.
Chceme dál pomáhat dětem a rodinám a k tomu potřebujeme i vaši podporu. Obracíme se proto na vás se žádostí o příspěvek.
Děkujeme, že nám pomáháte pomáhat.
Vaše Pexeso, z.s.

All donations support organization:
Pexeso, z.s., projekt: I děti deptá život v době viru