Lucie Landovská: campaign for project Máš na míň!

Every help counts

we started on 2019-08-19
raised 14 % out of  €80

supported by

3 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
We take so much from nature before we give. People are accustomed to consumer lifestyle, creating tons of waste that go anywhere but into nature. Previously, people had never known such a thing as plastics and lived without them. And when they could, so did we.
There are over 7 billion people in the world and each of us can contribute to change.  No one wants to let their children survive at a crumbling planet.
So if you give 6 more €, I’ll automatically give 1 € too. :) And 4 or 6 € doesn’t kill anyone. :)
There's so much more going on in the world than they're telling us on TV and radio.
 for example ...
 Every year, up to 8 million tons of plastic is thrown into the oceans.  It is as if every minute someone tipped a full truck of waste into the sea.
 -If it goes on like this, by 2050 there will be more plastics in the sea than fish.
 - Every day at least 1 species die.
 - Up to 800,000 tons of unspoiled food are thrown away in the Czech Republic. The world throws 1.6 billion tons of food a year.
 -Tankers carry about 2,900 tons of oil by sea each year. Their escape into the sea becomes daily and dies of everything within its reach.
 - Most wastes are used only once and cannot be recycled.  So it goes either to the sea, to landfills or burned into the air. Only a minimum of this can be recycled again.
 -And combustion of plastics into the air extremely destroys the air in the surroundings and people who breathe it then have great health problems.
 -80% of soybean grown goes to cattle breeding, which generates a huge amount of greenhouse gases that weaken the Earth's atmosphere. In places where soya is grown, deserts are formed.
 There's more to it.  If it goes on like this,in 100 years all insects will die out, in 2050 there will be fewer fish in the oceans than plastics, and our planet will collapse quickly.  And we do not have another to live on. I would definitely not want to raise my children on such a planet, none of us.  We don't have much time, but there is still hope for rescue.  But we must act now.  I think nobody wants to live in garbage, everyone loves nature.
Z přírody si bereme více, než je schopna obnovovat. Žijeme na dluh, který jednou budeme muset zaplatit nejen my, ale i naše děti. Každoročně z naší planety navždy zmizí tisíce živočišných druhů a stav přírody se zhoršuje nejrychleji v historii lidstva. Bez přírody nebudeme mít potravu, vodu, energii ani důležité léky. Ale nemusí to tak být! Ty i já, každý z nás může změnit své chování - míň plýtvat, míň nakupovat, míň vyhazovat. Jako spotřebitelé, občané a voliči můžeme změnit i chování politiků a korporací. Společně máme obrovskou sílu, společně máme na míň.


Lucie Landovská
CZK 100

stopáďo fakt nikoho nezabije, hlavní je, že něco děláme pro jedinou (pro nás) obyvatelnou planetu 🌻

Jorika Tojmarová
CZK 150
All donations support organization:
Greenpeace, projekt: Máš na míň!