KANTU Moje Jóga: campaign for project DARUJ ŽIVOU VODU


we started on 2019-05-22
raised 7 % out of  €789

supported by

6 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
Yogic community came together again this year to support  ACORUS - a Czech charity that helps victims of domestic violence. KANTU (producer of aromatherapeutical products for yoga)  together with yoga portal  Moje Jóga prepared a campaign "Donate Live Water" . This year's campaign theme is a Water Element representing our emotions, intuition and female principle. Join our charity project and help to clear the waters for those, who have them clouded with a trauma.  Yoga teachers have created for you a cleansing water yoga sequence that can help you as well. You are  as well cordially invited to an event Namaste Yoga Day, 20.6., which is a culmination of the whole campaign and where you can win in a draw vouchers in value of 30.000 Kč for products of www.ZivaVoda.cz.
Dear friends and yogis, 

if you are not indifferent to what is happening to women behind closed doors, join our charity project "Donate Live Water", initiated by Kantu (producer of aromatherapeutical products for yoga)  and yoga portal Moje Jóga together with yoga teachers for non profit organization ACORUS that helps victims of domestic violence. 

Charity donation is for women - victims of domestic violence - who have found an refuge at ACORUS shelter. Theme of this year's campaign is water element representing emotions, intuition and female principle. Donate symbolically Live Water and help them to break free from vicious circle of violence and stand on their own feet and get back to normal life without fear. We have decided to set the amount we want to raise to 20.000Kč.

Your donation will go to a professional help and therapies for women which is provided by  ACORUS free of charge. Raised amount will be symbolically handed over to representative of ACORUS at celebration of Intl. Yoga Day - Namaste Yoga Day, 20. 6. 2019, in Kavárna, co hledá jméno, where you can win in a draw vouchers in value of 30.000 Kč for filtration and ionizer of water www.ZivaVoda.cz.
Thank you.
Děkujeme předem za Vaši štědrost a ochotu pomáhat.

🙏🏼Namaste Jana & Markéta🙏🏼

www.acorus.cz   www. kantu.cz    www.moje-joga.cz  
ACORUS, z. ú.
ženám – obětem domácího násilí, které nalezly útočiště v azylovém domě ACORUS. Jógová komunita se opět spojila na jejich podporu a připravila projekt Daruj Živou Vodu. Element vody představuje emoce, intuici a ženský princip. Darujte symbolicky Živou Vodu a pomůžete těm, které mají emoce zkalené traumatem.

Ať i ta troška pomůže.

Michaela Lalíková
CZK 300

at se podaří :)

Jiří Coufal
CZK 300
All donations support organization:
ACORUS, z. ú., projekt: DARUJ ŽIVOU VODU