Daniel Marek: campaign for project Na chvíli jen rodičem

March home to Kometa Brno 2018

we started on 2018-09-15
raised 81 % out of  €1,203

supported by

24 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
March from Třinec to my home city of Brno, to the stadium of ice hockey team Kometa Brno. 250 km in 5 days. In favour of children hospice A House for Juliet.
As I was born in Brno I'm a long term fan of ice hockey club Kometa Brno. This is a lifelong bond for me and even though I've been living in Prague for more than ten years, no other ice hockey team stands a chance with me. That's why I promised to myself in March 2017 before the play off start that if Kometa wins the title after decades I have to celebrate it with something big. And because I like hiking, I came up with the idea of marching from Prague to Brno to the ice hockey arena. I managed to fulfill this commitment in September 2017 (for more details see https://www.darujme.cz/vyzva/1200251).
 This year Kometa won again, thus becoming historically the most successful ice hockey team in the Czech republic in terms of number of titles. That's worth celebration as well, right! That's why I decided this year for perhaps even more difficult challenge. To hike from Třinec (the rival team in the finals) to Brno. And in order not to walk just for pleasure (and not to sell myself that cheap :-)), after the great experience I had last year I decided to create another charity project, this time in favour of children's hospice Dům pro Julii (A House for Juliet). It is the first children's hospice in the Czech republic. It's purpose is to support families with taking care of incurable children. If there are only couple of more steps on the kid's life path, the hospice intends to make them as pleasant as possible. The profit from this fundraising campaign will be used to support their project For a while just being a parent. For every raised Czech crown I will add next 0,25 CZK from my pocket up to 5000 CZK. So make me pay for it ;-). The more money is raised the more kids will get support by House for Juliet, so don't take the target amount too seriously :-).

I plan to march during the third week in September 2018. Walking the touristic paths the total distance should be around 250 km. My ambition is to make it in 5 days. The advantage is I will hike through Beskydy, a beautiful mountain range, on the other hand I will have to cope with total elevation difference of more than 7 km. I will start on Tuesday 18th Sep and follow the route Třinec - Bílá - Vsetín - Malenovice - Napajedla - Vyškov - Brno. The plan is to finish on Sat 22nd in the evening. I will publish details of my journey on my Facebook 

Thanks for your support, mental or financial, both counts

Thanks to everyone for your support. It was very helpful ... once I figured out such a crazy project, I had to finish it also because of you and mainly for Juliet. Exhausted, slightly out of order, but happy I made it successfuly to the end according to the plan.

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Dům pro Julii, z. ú.
Dlouhodobá péče o nevyléčitelně nemocné dítě je velmi náročná psychicky i fyzicky. Naše pečovatelka a zdravotní sestra dochází do rodin pomáhat s péčí. Dopřejme společně pečujícím chvíli odpočinku.
Kanyla, PEG, tracheostomie, DUPV, odsávačka, polohování, ... Výrazy lékařů a zdravotních sester? Omyl. Rodiče pečující o nevyléčitelně nemocné dítě v domácím prostředí jsou nuceni osvojit si mnoho zdravotnických výrazů a úkonů. Péče je vyčerpávající, rodiče se ocitají v sociální izolaci, často na pokraji finanční nouze. Jediná šance na odpočinek a nabrání sil do další péče je přenechat na chvíli péči někomu jinému. Ale komu?

Dům pro Julii nabízí podporu a pomoc rodinám s nevyléčitelně nemocnými dětmi a mladistvými. Vybrané finanční prostředky putují na úhradu odměn pro pečovatelku a zdravotní sestru tak, aby mohla být tato služba poskytována rodinám bezplatně či s minimální finanční účastí. Každých 500 Kč znamená darování až pěti hodin pro odpočinek, zařízení nezbytných záležitostí, dvou hodin jen pro sebe sama, pro rozvíjení partnerského života, dvě hodiny strávené s dalším dítkem. Pro mnohé samozřejmost, pro některé nedosažitelný "luxus".

Děkujeme za podporu a umožnění pečujícím být "Na chvíli jen rodičem". 

Skvělý nápad :-)


Daniel, I wish you interesting new experiences and a safe way! Best regards Carsten

Carsten Hoelsken

Drzime palce! Pocasie ti vyjde krasne, tak nech sa lahko slape!

Stanislava Hřebíčková

Hi Daniel,
best wishes for your walk and good luck raising a lot of money for your project.
I love the idea and I am happy to support it.


Hodně krásných zážitků, hezkého počasí a málo puchýřů na tvé cestě :-)

Daniel Marek
CZK 200
All donations support organization:
Dům pro Julii, z. ú., projekt: Na chvíli jen rodičem