Jan Kroupa: campaign for project Fast Grants

April Fools Half-Marathon!

we started on 2017-03-22
raised 137 % out of  €1,669

supported by

64 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
April 1st - there is no better day to run so bloody far and long!
For the firth time, I decided to run in support of the Via Foundation´s community advocacy programs in the Czech Republic (the Instant Grants Program). I will run because I trust Via and becuase I believe this to be a very hot issue in this country. I will run and I will have hard time catching my breath. I will run and I will need your support. There are people who are trying to make Czech Republic a better place to live right now and they need your support. Support them, donate to Via and you will run with me. CZK 2,000 per kilometer - we can make that happen! Thank you so much for your generous gift.
Nadace Via
The Fast Grants program is intended for active citizens who take a stand on issues such as mismanagement in local government, wasteful use of public resources, land use plan manipulations for personal gain etc.
The Fast Grants program is an effective tool for people who want to protect their favorite public spaces. This program is designed for people who want to respond quickly to dire situations in their communities, such as planned demolition of a valuable building, and unfair practices such as non-transparent decisions by public authorities and arbitrary land use planning changes.

Your donation support local active people who want to protect their favorite public spaces.
Thank you!

Last year we awarded 35 Fast Grants to civic initiatives and NGOs, disbursing a total of CZK 750,000 ($29,700). Fast Grants can be used for planning and organizing information campaigns about current issues, for commissioning independent studies, consulting and advisory services, petitions and local referendums, legal services and disputes, etc. Fast Grants run up to CZK 30,000 ($1,200).

The Fast Grants program has an application deadline once a month and the process has been simplified in order to provide money quickly to groups addressing pressing issues.

Fuck corruption. Bring on transparency Jan!

CZK 300

Honzo, díky moc za podporu Rychlých grantů! Vážíme si toho, že za nás běháš ;)

Pavla Jenková

Have a good run Jan!

Ciprian Paius

Ať si každý jednotlivý kilometr užiješ, jako kdybys běžel jen ten jeden. :) Míša


Honzo díky a hodně sil! :-)


Honzo, ať máš lehkej krok, Jirka

CZK 1,000

Honzo, díky moc a držím palce!!!

Míša Kreuterová
CZK 700

Honzo, tak ať Ti to běhá :).

All donations support organization:
Nadace Via, projekt: Fast Grants