Přátelé New Renato, z.s.

Children, Youth and Family Development Aid

Multi-functional house - the second building of the secondary school in Zambia, thanks to which local volunteers will be able to build entire houses

In summer, we built the first building of the secondary school – the workshop. 10 local volunteers were helping us. So they learned how to make bricks and how to build walls. The next building we will build in summer 2024 will be a multifunctional house. During the construction period of the entire secondary school, the house will provide accommodation for volunteers / construction workers. At the same time, it will serve as a model family house for all local people.

Multifunctional house

The second building of the secondary school in Kashitu (Zambia), thanks to which local volunteers will be able to build entire houses.
raised 52 % out of  €11,874

supported by

33 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!

Thank you! 

We thank to all the donors who contributed to this collection for the multifunctional house. We managed to collect 155,574 CZK from the 300,000 targeted.

At Advent stands in Prague parishes, donors contributed 31,000 CZK gross to the project.

You can continue to support the project of the secondary school in Kashitu through the main collection here. 
Thank you! 

---original fundraising campaign text ---

By building a multifunctional house, Kashitu volunteers will learn to build entire buildings, including the roof. This will enable them to build entire family houses. Thanks to this, they will have more orders. In this way, they should also bring profit to the local NRCS community, which will participate in financing the construction of the high school within its possibilities.

Thank you!

  • The collection takes place until January 7th, 2024.  
  • It is also possible to support the project of the Secondary school in Kashitu by purchasing items at the  Advent Stalls in Prague on Sundays 3, 10 and 17 December. 
  • For all donations, you will receive a donation receipt in January, which you can use to deduct the tax base (applies to taxpayers in the Czech Republic).


The design of the house will be created by volunteers - builders from the Implementation Team. It will reflect the way how local people live.  On the picture, you can see one of possible versions. 

Construction budget
We have calculated the budget at 1,200,000 CZK so far. We have applied for CZK 500,000 in a grant from the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Lusaka, the remaining funds will be sought from companies and during the spring fundraising campaign. 

School project plan, info about our brick makers and innovative bricks here.
Why secondary school in Kashit + brief information about secondary school

How did we build the first building in summer - the workshop? 

In the construction participated: 

  • 10 local volunteers for 3 months
  • 3 volunteering people from a local NNO NRCS - for 3.5 months
  • 18 Czech volunteers for a period from 10 days to 3.5 months
  • 10 Czech volunteers in the Czech Republic - logistical, fundraising and PR support for 3.5 months 
Only during the construction alone, we all volunteered more than 11,380 hours, which is like 5.5 full-time working loads for the whole year. There are currently 30 volunteers in the Czech Republic participating in the Kashitu Secondary School project without the require to a fee.

Digging foundations (all by hand)

Concreting the base plate (all by hand)

Formwork and concreting of columns

Finally making bricks on special brick machines that arrived two months later

Visit of the Zambian Minister of Foreign Affairs

We are bricklaying!

Truss placement (all by hand, no cranes)

Just completed! - with volunteers and some members of the local NNO New Renato

Ceremonial opening of the workshop on 27/09/2023 in the presence of the Czech ambassador to Zambia Pavel Procházka and local political representatives

More info:

  • How did we bild step by step 
  • Press release “Young volunteers built the first building of the secondary school in  Kashitu. Doing so, they tested innovative construction technology designed for local conditions.” 
 Follow us:
Website on the secondary school: https://www.kashituschool.org/ 
Website of Friends of New Renato: pratele.newrenato.org
Facebook Friends od New Renato: facebook.com/pratelenewrenato 
Facebook on the secondary school: https://www.facebook.com/stavimeskoluvzambii  

Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

NRCS received 500.000 CZK grant

The NRCS project aims primarily at the construction of the second building of the secondary school – a multifunctional building.

We are proud to have a partner – a capable NNO in Zambia! And we’re also glad that although we don’t have any paid staff, we could help them win this grant with our assistance!

Congratulations and thanks to the Embassy of the Czech Republic!

According to our calculations, the multi-functional house costs 1,200,000 CZK so far. We want to raise part of the remaining CZK 700,000 in the current Christmas fundraiser, which you can support right HERE. Thank you!

Details on grant procedure here

Kdo se na střední školu těší?

Temwani chce být inženýrkou, Margret a Mapalo zdravotní sestrou. Do základní škole v Kashitu docházejí ze svých domovů až 4 km, což je na africké poměry vlastně prima. Co rádi dělají ve volném čase? 

Dnes je Giving Tuesday, světový den štědrosti a dobrých skutků!

Každý může být štědrý. Každý má něco, co může nabídnout: čas, odborné znalosti, peníze, věcné dary, jídlo, oblečení nebo jen udělat někomu radost.

My jsme se s projektem střední školy v Kashitu do Giving Tuesday zapojili.  Vy MŮŽETE TŘEMI ZPŮSOBY POMOCI, aby se sen dětí o dostupném vzdělávání změnil ve skutečnost:

Pozvánka na akce pro veřejnost

Jak dokáže skupina 20 mladých lidí z Česka společně s 10 místními dobrovolníky postavit budovu, která by za určený čas byla výzvou i zkušené stavebníky v Čechách?

O tom se můžete dozvědět na našich akcích pro veřejnost: 

- středa 29.11. 20:00 v Brně, Klub Šelepka v rámci akce Na vlastní kůži - více zde
- středa 6.12. 14:00 v Praze v rámci přednášky "Jak jsme v Africe stavěli dílnu" - více zde

Srdečně zveme! 

Create project

Držím palce!

Karel Hubička
CZK 500

Šťastný nový rok 2024!

Růžena Šrutová
CZK 100

Take jsem kdysi pracoval v Zambii jako dobrovolnik takze ocenuji kazdeho kdo prispeje necim uzitecnym pro mistni komunity v odlehlych oblastech. Preji Vam mnoho dalsich uspechu a Vse nej.... do Noveho roku. Kamil Chytka.

Kamil Chytka

Naší školu milujeme a zkušenosti a vzpomínky, co z ní máme jsou náš velký poklad. Chceme, aby tenhle poklad mohli najít i v Africe.

Kateřina Vašková - Za Studenty Architektury V Brně
CZK 16,410

Jsem první? :-D
Tak pojďme, ať už to stojí!

Marie Hodinářová