Přátelé New Renato, z.s.

Children, Youth and Family Development Aid

High School in Kashitu

Twelve elementary schools in Kashitu, 3,800 pupils and the nearest high school 40 km away. At the beginning of its existence, the local non-profit New Renato Community Society made education a priority for raising living standards in the area. Thanks to the obtained grants, cooperation with non-profit organizations from Germany, Great Britain and Italy, they built 2 kindergartens and 2 primary community schools on their own. However, gifted students usually do not get to high school. Their parents cannot afford to pay for transport and accommodation to a school tens of kilometers away. COME CHANGE IT WITH US!

I want to build with you and change the future of the children in Kashitu!


supported by

143 people
Donate in :
secured by Darujme.cz

The first building has been built! - click on the News up. p

What Will Our High School Be Like? 

  • A secondary school with a vocational school (woodwork, metalwork, cooking) for 250 students 
  • Open Gate system: several wealthy students will pay tuition to a local student 
Facilities (based on site visit and consultation with local authorities):
  • 6 classrooms and  3 laboratory classrooms 
  • Offices, staff rooms, meeting room
  • Dormitories for boys and girls
  • Houses for 16 teachers, for the porter and the caretaker
  • 2 houses for volunteers
  • Doctor’s surgery, pharmacy, sick bay
  • Dining room and kitchen 
  • Chapel and library
Construction from the foundations to the roof 

Drinking water supply system and waste water treatment

Natural ventilation

Quality daylight and pleasant acoustics of buildings

How Do We Build the School?

  • With maximum of involvement and self-help on the part of the locals - they will build it under the leadership of the Czech builders 
  •  Unburnt bricks as main construction material have a long tradition in Zambia

Who Will Manage the High School after the Position? 

  • The local experienced non-profit organization New Renato Community Society 
The functioning local community is the basis for the meaningfulness of a long-term sustainable project - ensuring the existence and administration of the high school after its establishment.

Our vision is to build a self-operating high school in Kashitu by 2028

Build with us! Contribute one-off or regularly and turn children's dreams after their own profession into reality! 

More about the project on a special website here.
You can follow the news on our website


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The first building has been built! 

Ceremonial opening of the workshop on 27/09/2023 in the presence of the Czech ambassador to Zambia Pavel Procházka and local political representatives

On September 27, in the presence of the Czech ambassador to Zambia, Pavel Procházka, District Commission Office of the President,  Mr Francis Hasalama, and other authorities, a new workshop was opened, which had been built in three months by Czech builders with local volunteers. Doing so, they used the new construction technology of interlocking unburnt bricks stabilized with cement. It can help local people to achieve a better quality of life. The workshop is the first building of the future high school for 250 students. For now, it will function as a training centre for this new construction technology.

200 local people, including guests, gathered for the festive event. Representatives of municipal and government officials also came. Ambassador of the Czech Republic Pavel Procházka said at the opening of the building: “We gathered here in the heart of Kashitu with great joy and pride to celebrate the result of the cooperation of Czech and Zambian volunteers, representatives of Czech Technical University in Prague and the local New Renato Community Society. The opening of this workshop marks the beginning of an ambitious project that brings a better future for the people of Kashitu.”  
“The opening of this workshop marks the beginning of an ambitious project that brings a better future for the people of Kashitu.”
Pavel Prochazka, Ambassador of the Czech Republic in Zambia 

Press release and more pictures here.   

We thank to all the donors, partners and volunteers thanks to them the workshop could be constructed! 

How did we build the first building in summer - the workshop? 

In the construction participated: 

  • 10 local volunteers for 3 months
  • 3 volunteering people from a local NNO NRCS - for 3.5 months
  • 18 Czech volunteers for a period from 10 days to 3.5 months
  • 10 Czech volunteers in the Czech Republic - logistical, fundraising and PR support for 3.5 months 
Only during the construction alone, we all volunteered more than 11,380 hours, which is like 5.5 full-time working loads for the whole year. There are currently 30 volunteers in the Czech Republic participating in the Kashitu Secondary School project without the require to a fee.

Digging foundations (all by hand)

Concreting the base plate (all by hand)

Formwork and concreting of columns

Finally making bricks on special brick machines that arrived two months later

Visit of the Zambian Minister of Foreign Affairs

We are bricklaying!

Truss placement (all by hand, no cranes)

Just completed! - with volunteers and some members of the local NNO New Renato

Follow us:

Website on the secondary school: https://www.kashituschool.org/ 
Website of Friends of New Renato: pratele.newrenato.org
Facebook Friends od New Renato: facebook.com/pratelenewrenato
Facebook on the secondary school: https://www.facebook.com/stavimeskoluvzambii  

Get involved: Donate your time and your skills! 

Do you have an idea, willingness, and time? Do you want to actively dedicate yourself to the project, or occasionally help out? Contact us and we can arrange it. The preparatory phase takes place mostly in the Czech Republic. Whether it’s organising public events, assisting in the preparation of exhibitions, or promoting the project any help is welcome. 
Write us at: info@newrenato.org.  Thank you!  

Support financially the second building - the multifunctional house here

Thank you!

We have it whole!

Dear and kind donors, THANK YOU!

Thanks to you and new partners, we managed to get the entire amount for the car and trailer. They are our WHOLES and will be used for the next phase of the construction of the secondary school!

Thank you! In its acquisition have participated significantly new partners among individuals (4) and the companies Sytherm s.r.o., MB Omnia Logistic s.r.o. and EkoWATT CZ s. r. o. 

Before the next stage of construction, we will lend the car and the trailer to the local organization New Renato. It will be able to use it under the condition that the profit from its use will go to the fund for the next stage of the construction of the secondary school. We will agree on the exact conditions in the second half of September, when the representatives of our association will arrive in Kashitu. 

You can still contribute to the construction of the secondary school here. Thanks to additional funds and if time permits, we could complete more than just a rough construction of the current workshop building.

The benefit sale remains in operation until 20.9., when builders in Zambia still have the opportunity to get the products. We draw your attention in particular to honey, the export of which is limited. There are currently 6 more pieces available (they will appear in the system when the internet connection from Zambia starts up).

Thank you for building with us! We appreciate it and especially the local people who build with us!

Friends of New Renato and the Realization Team of ICWD CTU (proklik na jejich web)

More about the project and news you can follow here:  


Vážení sympatizanti a dárci,

mysleli jsme, že auto budeme muset prodat, protože zpoždění cihlovaček si vyžádalo alternativní postup prací. Tím vznikly další náklady. Ale snažíme se šetřit a smlouvat, kde se dá. Stavaři aktualizovali rozpočet a spočítali jsme, že když uděláme hrubou stavbu, bude nám chybět 120.000 Kč, abychom ho nemuseli prodat za stavební materiál a mohlo projektu SŠ sloužit dál. Myslíme si, že se jedná o částku, o kterou stojí bojovat a pevně věříme, že se nám ve spolupráci s Vámi podaří částku vybrat. Potřebujeme hlavně, aby se následující informace, co nejrychleji rozšířila a oslovili jsme co největší počet lidí. S tím nám určitě můžete pomoci i Vy.

Do konce srpna shromažďujeme tedy peníze na hlavní sbírce zde. Start stav ke dni 15.sprna 2023 je zde 83.000 Kč a pokud chceme, aby auto zůstalo naše, abychom další stavební sezonu nemuseli shánět další, je potřeba, aby stav sbírky DO KONCE SRPNA ukazoval 203.000 Kč.  V opačném případě  auto prodáme a prostředky vložíme do stavby.

DĚKUJEME Vám za dosavadní podporu i sdílení této zprávy, aby se nám podařilo oslovit další dárce!


1 - PŘISPĚJTE FINANČNÍM DAREM a vyberte si formu poděkování:*

Trička lze též vidět zde.
Všichni dárci dostanou  potvrzeni o  daru.




DĚKUJEME, že stavíte s námi! 

 *) Formy poděkování: 
500 Kč a více pohled od dětí z Kashitu 
1000 Kč a více videozdravice z Kashitu   
2500 Kč a více jméno na cihle zabudované do stavby 
5000 Kč a více jméno na autě
10.000 Kč a více tričko jako mají členové týmu 

The Construction Works Have Begun! 

More you can see here.  

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Sleduji vás a fandím!!

Alena Míchalová
CZK 3,000

At se dari, verim ve Vas projekt!

Algis Skriabin

Díky za možnost podpořit takovýto super projekt, který má opravdu velký potenciál pomoct místním. Ať se daří!

CZK 5,000

Ráda podpořím dobrou věc, ať se daří postavit školu, co nejdřív.

Pavla Jirsová
CZK 5,000

Díky, časem doufám pomůžu nejen penězi ale také samotnou prací ke stavbě dalších potřebných budov v místech kde je to potřeba nejvíce :)

Ondřej Zítko
CZK 500

Hodně zdaru všem africkým budovatelům :)

Vitězslav Centner
CZK 2,000

Držím palce!


Přeji si ať se vám jako organizaci daří a ať se vám v co nejbližší době podaří školu postavit!
Děkuji za vaši práci.
