Místní místním, z.ú.

Humanitarian Aid Socially Disadvantaged Groups

Vouchers not only for coffee & food for people without homes and in need

How to help someone who is without home and in need? Through MM vouchers and the Solidarity Network, you can buy them a coffee, sandwich or soup. You can give a specific service to someone who otherwise could not afford it. Thanks to you, people experiencing homelessness and people in need will receive support in the Solidarity Network across Prague to help them get back on their feet.

we started on 2023-09-16

I'll subscribe to a voucher or two

Your contribution will be turned into vouchers for coffee, a meal, or clothing for people experiencing homelessness. Thanks to you, the friendly shop/keepers in the Místní místním Solidarity Network will provide these to those in need, free of charge. Prices are approximate, as each shop/keeper offers what they can manage. Thank you so much for your support!

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61 people
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secured by Darujme.cz
Firstly, we are concerned with practical, respectful help based on the specific needs of people who are on the margins of our society and in situations of social exclusion. And secondly, we also want to enable these people to feel welcome and accepted within their neighbourhoods. Every year the number of people in need and the number of vouchers used grows. Only in winter 2022/23 we have provided 1.030 vouchers. In 2024, the number of people using vouchers in summer is also increasing.

How do MM vouchers help?

Mrs Petra (60) has been in housing need for about 11 years, since the death of her partner, whom she cared for until his death. As she is a few years away from being eligible for a pension, she is dependent on social benefits. She deals with her situation with a social worker. How do MM vouchers help her?
It helps me a lot. Coffee gives me such energy to get things done, and to keep me so alive. Sometimes it's a dessert or a sandwich. You get a break in those cafes, you get a chance to read the newspaper sometimes when I need to run to the office quickly. In the quiet of a table I can do something or write something, which helps me a lot. You just can't do that on a bench somewhere. It's worst in winter. When the weather is bad, it helps me to go to the café. Some places even pour me tea. Or to warm up, so you don't get cold outside, which is important.

How does it work?

You can easily subscribe to vouchers online. We will pass on the contributions to the shop/keepers involved in the Solidary Network. They will be able to provide various services free of charge to people in need and people without homes who come here. We inform them through cooperating social services such as Naděje, Salvation Army or Charity. Enterprises all over Prague are involved.
  • Cafes, bistros and restaurants – They offer "shared" coffee/tea, a sandwich, lunch, falafel, soup or something as rare as dessert for people in need. 

  • Second hand shops – They allow the purchase of clothing for those who might not be able to afford it, such as workwear. 

  • Theatre – Solidarity tickets allow low-income seniors or people from shelters to attend a nice performance.

How do people find out about the help?
We inform people in need and those experiencing homelessness through our partners, such as Naděje, the Salvation Army, and Caritas, primarily via streetwork programs. Solidarity Network has been operating since 2017, so many people are already familiar with it and know they can come to us for help. Our services are open to anyone who needs them.

How do the vouchers help?
Thanks to your support, we have provided over 10,000 vouchers worth more than CZK 950,000 to people in need since 2017. What’s even more wonderful is that more vouchers are being prepaid directly at local shop/keepers involved in the Solidarity Network, meaning you’re supporting both those in need and local enterprises.

Transparency and sustainability
We only take a 9% fee from each online voucher to cover the fees for the Darujme.cz platform and accounting costs. This small fee helps us keep the project running smoothly and sustainably – from printing the vouchers to ensuring proper invoicing for the businesses. For vouchers prepaid directly at the enterprises, 100% goes straight to the shop/keeper.

What is the experience of the Solidarity shop/keepers with vouchers?

What made us happy was when a gentleman who used the service himself got out of his difficulties and came to buy a voucher for other people in need.
Kavárna Pražírna, Prague 2

The first gentleman who was with us for the Místní místním voucher was so excited, he was looking forward to the show the first time the box office opened and thanked us profusely afterwards. I had a feeling it was something he hadn't been able to afford for a terribly long time.
Studio Hrdinů, theatre, Prague 7

The voucher has already been used by several people in need who needed work clothes for temporary work and for everyday wear after winter.
Restart shop, Prague 1 a 7

The Solidarity Network creates connections between people and also provides a wide range of essential services for free, such as water, access to toilets and the opportunity to sit and relax. This support is here not only for people without homes, but also for anyone who finds themselves in need. Your donation to purchase vouchers will help us expand our support and allow the Solidarity Network to continue providing more costly services. Together we can change lives and continue to help those in need.
Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Každý si zaslouží mít oblečení nebo si dojít na dobrý oběd 💚

Toni Pokorny

Věřím, že to někomu pomůže přečkat zimu!

Jonáš Stehlík

dekuji, ze pomahate

CZK 1,000

Great work!

Diana Popa-Cermean
CZK 500

Daruji na poukázky jako dárek rodičům k narozeninám společně s kvalitní kávou, aby si mohli užít dobrý kafe nejen oni, ale dalších pár lidí co by si to jinak nemohli dovolit.

CZK 1,000

netušil jsem, že taková služba existuje a narazil jsem na vás na FB. Tak přece jen založení tohoto účtu bylo k něčemu dobré. Budu moc rád, když najdete kavárnu i v jiných městěch. V Brně s tím rád pomůžu, stačí mě nasměrovat.
S úctou Lukáš Meistner

Lukáš Meistner
CZK 100

S dobrou kávou je lepší den :))

Karel Formánek
CZK 100

Snad to udělá někomu radost:)

CZK 500

Doufám, že někomu pomůže

Tereza Čečetková

Ester, all the best for Mistni mistnim! God bless! x

Rachel Cain