Slunečnice, z.s.

Philanthropy and Volunteering People with disabilities


For twenty-five years, we have been providing outpatient and outreach services to people with mental disabilities in Děčín, who we successfully support in their integration into independent life. In order to develop our services in the future, we need to buy our own building and not be dependent on restrictive lease conditions. We found a beautiful spacious house with a garden for 13,500,000 CZK. In the new home, Slunečnice will be able to continue to blossom and give its clients a new chance for a fulfilled and happy life. We are very grateful for all your help.To secure a mortgage, we have to come to the table with at least 30% of the purchase price – at least 4 million CZK. You know us, you know our work. We help people with disabilities; our volunteers also work with seniors, children; we helped the community through the pandemic and in other times of need. Now we are asking you for help. Don’t forsake us. So that Slunecnice can continue to bloom, so it won’t wither and die just for lack of a place to take root. Thank you. On behalf of the whole team at Slunecnice, z.s., Sarka Ludmila Podrabska, Chair

we started on 2024-01-01

Help us buy a dream home for the care of people with intellectual disability

raised 41 % out of  €518,859

expires in

112 days

supported by

46 people
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Help out Slunečnici in Děčín to raise money for its own building for the provision of social services to people with mental disabilities.

Even a seemingly fatal situation can turn into an opportunity
After twenty-five years of operation, the building we operate in changed hands and the new lease conditions forced us to move. It has not been easy to find alternative premises for such a large service to accommodate all our clients and to allow us to develop our services in the future to meet their needs.  At one point, we also struggled with the fear that we would have to end services and our clients would be left without care. Then we found a beautiful house with a garden in a quiet area of Děčín and we were able to buy it.

Why it is better to own your own house than another rental
Over the past twenty years, we have used public subsidies, which can only be used for rent (not for capital asset acquisition), to pay millions in rent payments and hundreds of thousands more to modify the premises for barrier-free access and to meet the demanding sanitary conditions for people with disabilities. 
We have lost all this.

We don't want to continue to value anyone else's property; we want government and private donor money to go directly to work with our clients. That's why we decided to buy the house.
To qualify for a bank loan, we need to secure at least 30% of the purchase price from our own resources - at least CZK 4 million.

Your help will help people with disabilities to develop further
We are appealing to the public and businesses for financial help. We help people with disabilities to integrate into ordinary life, our volunteers help in many other organizations not only with people with disabilities, but also with the elderly, children, helped the city of Decin and its citizens in the difficult covid pandemic and in other crisis situations. Now we are asking for your help. Don't let us down. Let the Sunflower, with all its activities, continue to flourish and not have to end its services just because it cannot find suitable alternative premises to move to.
Thank you.

 On behalf of Slunečnici, z.s. and all its sections
 Šárka Ludmila Podrábská, Chairwoman

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Dne 24.6.2024 vstoupilo v platnost na katastru nemovitostí vlastnictví Domu pro Slunečnici na naši organizaci.
Obrovsky všem děkujeme za dosavadní podporu, a doufáme, že i v dalších letech nám zůstanete nápomocni, zejména se zajištěním úprav pro bezbariérovost a při pravidelné úhradě splátek úvěru, který se nám díky vaší podpoře podařilo získat. DĚKUJEME.

Děkujeme za obrovskou podporu Krajskému úřadu Ústeckého kraje, který nám je nápomocen od počátku našeho záměru a hledá cesty, jak finančně i jinak podpořit realizaci našeho projektu na koupi vlastního domu. 2. května jsme podepisovali smlouvu o dotaci 1.200.000 Kč na koupi pozemku, úhradu poplatku na zápis do katastru, úhradu znaleckého posudku a úhradu části projektové dokumentace.
Dotaci schválilo v rámci Fondu Ústeckého kraje zastupitelstvo kraje usnesením č. 030/28Z/2024  ze  dne 22.04.2024. 

Jaro na zahradě 

Nadace Agrofert podpořila projekt "Dům pro Slunečnici" částkou 3 miliony Kč. 
Díky tomuto daru jsme spolu s dary, které jsme obdrželi v roce 2023, dosáhli na naši první metu, částku 4 milionů Kč, abychom mohli požádat v bance o úvěr.
Sbírka pokračuje dál, abychom byli schopni úvěr zvládnout a co nejvíce ponížit.

Vánoční reportáž Ústecké TV k překonání prvního milionu na Dům pro Slunečnici díky daru Valdemara Grešíka. Od 3:07 minut.

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Ať vám vše vychází a jste i nadále úspěšní Jana H

Jana Heinrichová
CZK 2,000

Dar je od J. Šonkové a Mgr. J. Frýdové

Jindřiška Šonková
CZK 10,000

Jste skvělí, ať se vám daří!

Jana Bohuňková
CZK 2,000

Darujeme pro dobrou věc potřebným občanům našeho města.
Manželé Pištorovi

Pavel Pištora
CZK 2,000