Education and Research Culture, Art and History

Memory of Nations

It’s easy to forget. That’s why we record and re-tell testimonies we don’t want to disappear. We’ve interviewed thousands of witnesses already. We’re convinced that our parents’ and grandparents’ experiences with totalitarian regimes in the 20th century can help all of us protect freedom and democracy in the present day. We document, tell stories, educate and help others. We couldn’t have done any of this without you. Thanks for your support!

we started on 2014-07-01
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In our film studios and when visiting the witnesses at home, we film their memories of key moments from the recent past. We have founded and are managing the largest collection of memories in Europe, publicly available online. It’s used by researchers as well as journalists,
filmmakers, teachers and students, and you can use it too. There are thousands of witness stories here. We want their life stories to be remembered, which is why we do our best to continue telling them in an engaging way – through radio and television programmes, films, books, comic strips, at exhibitions, online and using mobile apps. We educate students and pupils at the elementary, secondary and higher education levels, and assist their teachers. Every 17 October we present the Memory of Nations Awards at the National Theatre in Prague. In regional cities, we are opening Memory of Nations Institutes open to the public, where people can get in touch with the past in a modern way. We continue to look for new ways to spread the memories of our witnesses further. Dozens of organisations from 13 European and 3 non-European countries have joined the Memory of Nations network.

We trust that telling stories also transfers values, which is why we’re determined to remind people of our experience with totalitarian regimes in the 20th and 21st centuries. We’d love for you to be there with us. Become a supporter and help us take care of the Memory of
Nations. Thank you!

Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Krasny projekt! Dekuji za nej.

Klara Petrova
CZK 1,000

S úctou

Julie Strejčková

V dnešní době je velmi důležité neztrácet paměť. Proto podporujeme Paměť národa.

Církevní gymnázium Plzeň
CZK 1,200

Velice děkuji za Vaší práci a objasňování naší poválečné historie, když se vlády zmocnila komunistická strana. Ta doba se nesmí již vrátit!!!!

Richard Stára
CZK 5,000

Na dobrou věc obzvláště v dnešní době.

Petr Horák
CZK 4,000

Děkuji Vám za tolik potřebnou pomoc nám všem a za vytrvalost, se kterou se vašemu poselství věnujete

Tomáš Ledvina
CZK 1,000

Dekuji za uchovavani vzpominek pametniku - je to zasadni pro udrzeni demokracie v nasi zemi!!

Jiri David
CZK 5,000

Díky za Vaší práci!

Jan Chlebovský
CZK 200

Svoboda je krásná! Není zadarmo a je potřeba za ni neustále bojovat. Děkuji Paměti národa za skvělou a velmi potřebnou práci! Je mi ctí pomáhat.

Hana Hradecká
CZK 200

Díky za vaši práci!

Jiří Frendl
CZK 200