Ekocentrum Restart z.s.

Giving Information Environment

Ekocenter Louti

Ekocentrum Loutí is a newly established educational and residential center for environmental education and personal development. Now we have our first year running behind us. By educating children and adults on nature conservation, good consumer behavior, healthy living and healthy eating, organic farming and permaculture, natural healing, alternative medicine and yoga, we are trying to build a unique educational and educational space for everyone interested in these themes. If you have a surplus of finances or your own physical resources, you can participate with us on this exalted mission. Support may take the form of volunteer work in the ecocenter or financial contribution through the darujme.cz site We are looking forward to you, the ecocentre team Loutí

Support Ekocentrum Loutí

We are glad you decided to support us. Your financial donation will help create the Loutí Ekocentrum, a functional educational and educational space for both children and adults. Our goal is to realize the ecological center of sustainable life and personal development for each of us. With practical skills from ecology, permaculture, natural construction, traditional crafts, healthy cooking, natural healing, healthy lifestyle and yoga, our ecotourism will also benefit you and help others on their way to a full, joyful life.

supported by

142 people
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secured by Darujme.cz
Ekocentrum Loutí Vás zdraví, we are glad you decided to help us. Your financial donation will help create the Loutí Ekocentrum, a functional educational and educational space for both children and adults. Our goal is to build an ecological center of sustainable life and personal development for each of us. With the practical skills of permaculture, natural construction, traditional crafts, healthy cooking, folk healing, ecology and yoga, our ecocentre will also be able to thrive and help others on their way to a full, joyful life. Check out our video to know what you are promoting: a video campaign

Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Nechť je krásné Ekocentrum Loutí opět plné života! Těšíme se na náš kurz u vás.

Jitka Stehlíková_ Azurinka 12
CZK 1,000

Hodně zdaru! :)

Michal Něhulka č.5 Brom
CZK 1,000

Snad něco málo pomůže, síla s Vámi.

Dušan Matuška Anna Stoklasová
CZK 2,000

Drzime palce v teto nelehke dobe ✊
To co delate je krasne a snad na to brzy budete moct navazat!

Martina Bohmova
CZK 300

Ať se daří!

Tereza Ošancová

Zaujal mě rozhovor p. Sarapatkou v pořadu magický muž a chci na takový projekt přispět, protože to má smysl. Takže eko centru držím palce...😊

Jarmila Svobodová
CZK 500

Moc vám fandím a držím pěsti ať to společně ustojime. Louti je pro mě oáza klidu a pohody a moc si přeju, aby na to mohla přijít ještě spousta dalších lidí.

Dominika Jeřábová

Držím Vám palce i v této nelehké době. Moc se těším na to až ekocentrum zase ožije a budu vás moci navštívit :) Hodně sil.

Karolína Fenclová

Držím palce!

Josefa Kolmanová
CZK 500

Držím palce.

Jiří Guth Jarkovský
CZK 1,000