Cool Critters z.s.


Please help us with our TNR project

Our first major TNR project at a local warehouse is continuing and after castrating five cats in our first week we have caught and castrated another two. There are still many to be caught and we really need your help financially.

we started on 2024-05-16
raised 21 % out of  €396

supported by

4 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
Our first major TNR project at a local warehouse is continuing and after castrating five cats in our first week we have caught and castrated another two. There are still many to be caught and we really need your help financially.

In addition to castration, we are giving them microchips, testing for FIV FeLV and spot ons for creepy crawlies and parasites. Also treating them for any veterinary care they might need. 

Purrlease, meow's the best time to try and get ahead of the influx of kittens and to stop as much suffering as possible.

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